Texas: Pastor and wife both shoot and kill home intruder – IOTW Report

Texas: Pastor and wife both shoot and kill home intruder


A pastor from Houston and his wife were the victims of a break-in on Saturday but the couple both fired at the intruder, killing him.

Pastor Jeff Powers said at around 11 p.m., he and his wife retrieved their guns after hearing some noises around the back door of their home attached to the United Methodist Church, then fired multiple rounds at the intruder who eventually kicked in their door, according to Click 2 Houston News.

“He did gain entry into the residence by breaking in. At that point, they discharged their weapons several times at him and struck him,” a police investigator said.

Police said that after the couple shot the intruder, they went outside and laid their guns down and waited for police.


39 Comments on Texas: Pastor and wife both shoot and kill home intruder

  1. I’m sorry that the pastor and his wife were forced to defend themselves. Jesus knew that this would happen and that is why He admonished His followers to obtain a self-defense tool.

  2. My employer moved to Texas in the early 80s. I sometimes regret that I didn’t consider their offer to continue to work for them there. Instead, I moved to MN to find work. What a dope I was!

  3. @claudia.if you moved there do you think you would have been on iotw with your cute animals each sunday? You stayed because we needed you here.😀😏🤗

  4. ROFLOL!! Bet’cha the burgler wasn’t expecting shots from both husband AND wife! Oh, well, he’ll have all eternity to ponder the error of his ways.

  5. “…after the couple shot the intruder, they went outside and laid their guns down and waited for police.”

    And then officer Mohammed Noor arrived, saw the wife in her pajamas and blew her away.

  6. “The United Methodist Church said Powers and his wife are “mourning the loss of life and cooperating fully with authorities.”

    I would be doing a hallelujah praise the Lord dance on pulpit. Mourning the loss of life? Pleeze, you should be praising the fact YOU are alive!

  7. Just pass’n thru, I would have found iOTW no matter where I was. Every state in this country suffered under Obama and that’s why I came to this site (saw one of Fur’s agiprop’s on American Thinker, followed it here and I was hooked!). Been a critter person all my life, so that part is natural.

    But life leads you where you need to be. Someone in MN must have needed me, so, there’s that!

  8. …sending hot lead downrange with a hot lady at your side that can keep up with your rate of fire, and even reload for you…so sexy…

    …I have posted here before about how a husband and wife should train together, learn each other’s weapons, and how to cover each other’s backs. Outside of the camaraderie of a military unit, you will NEVER find a more loyal partner who has as much of a stake in YOUR survival as YOU have in HERS, and with common interests such as children to defend. It’s a blessing to be able to have the same trust in someone who can make your life, to also be able to protect your life at need, and you, hers. An intimate connection can make verbal communication, even during a crises, unnecessary, IF you train together too.

    …Full disclosure, my wife shoots more accurately than I…and I LOVE her for it…

    …but I ALSO don’t wanna make her mad, gnome sane?

    …husbands and wives take down ALL the threats to the family together. This was just one more…

  9. I’m a 73 year old pastor in rural Alabama living alone since the death of my wife, and I have a pistol either on my person or next to my bed 24/7. I even have it in my pocket at church since you never know what crazies are around these days. I hope I never have to use it but it’s there if the need arises.

  10. Good for you, pastor Lanigan. Like me, you are too old to effectively fight a younger hooligan and too old to be able to run away. You are to be commended for your attitude, that is, standing firm against being a willing victim.

  11. Dude walked into the bunker Reba McIntyre and Michael Gross had in Tremors.

    “No time for the lever guns hunny, use the backup pistol strapped to your ankle!”

  12. Do you get absolved for your earthly sins if a preacher is the one who guns you down?

    Also…what exactly is the etiquette for the funeral of a guy shoot by a man of the cloth?

    Wake at Arbys?

  13. Praise the Lord, and pass the amunition.!” was a favorite saying of my best Fire Team leader Cpl Burton in summer
    ’67. when he became Sgt burton and got his own squad my guess is he still said it.
    Geee, have not seen or heard it in 52 years!

  14. Hey Hambone, I think Brads been given a time out or something, didn’t play well in the sandbox.

    If your lurking Brad, have a little Drambuie on the deck and listen to some Savoy Brown, Hell bound train is a good one.

  15. If memory serves me correctly, the term Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition comes from the title of a book written by a ships Chaplain during WW2. Still appropriate today


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