Texas Prepares Series of Lawsuits Against Joe Biden Over Anti-Trump Policies – IOTW Report

Texas Prepares Series of Lawsuits Against Joe Biden Over Anti-Trump Policies


Texas is reportedly preparing a series of lawsuits against former Vice President Joe Biden and his team over pledges to overturn many of President Donald Trump’s policies.

During his first 100 days in office, Biden has “vowed to roll back the Trump administration’s immigration crackdown, push policies addressing climate change and potentially forgive student debt for thousands of Americans,” the San Antonio Express-News reported.

The state is planning to sue Biden due to the negative impact his anti-Trump push will have on Texans.

As Neon Nettle previously reported, Biden’s vows to undo Trump’s immigration policies have already triggered thousands of Central American migrants to begin traveling north toward the U.S. southern border.

Security forces in Guatemala are struggling to contain the violence as a huge migrant caravan marches through the country as it makes its way to America.

Biden has also promised to advocate for a nationwide mask mandate and wants Congress to pass another huge taxpayer-funded stimulus package. more here

18 Comments on Texas Prepares Series of Lawsuits Against Joe Biden Over Anti-Trump Policies

  1. I hate to be the one to point out some painfully obvious facts here, but no federal court will take or rule on this case. We have seen the courts utter disdain for anything Trump (or constitutional for that matter). Joe B’s (or whoever’s) agenda is going to be absolutely & completely unrestricted. Sad but true.

  2. So we’re to assume the courts and especially the SC after having told Texas and 15(?) other states they had no standing in the fraudulent installation case of the the scum Biden are going to give a rat’s ass about 10’s of 1,000s of illegals pouring across our border?

    Please nigga.

    It is in fact a feature, not a bug. An astonishing 20% of black males voted for Trump. That shit has to be neutralized and nothing says we’re even steven again like millions of government addicted Central Americans given the farm and the vote.

    You guys talking about getting the House in 2022 or getting rid of this or that RINO need to get current. Them dayz are gone.

  3. …you still think we’re a nation of laws, how cute…

    …prepare for a return to Federal Supremacy with firey marches in every direction across the Red states that will dwarf anything Sherman ever did…

  4. @MMinAR
    The law that says that states can refuse resettlement of the flood of illegals is still in effect. They want them, they can deal with them.
    The governors will have this fight.

  5. Then the criminal cabal in DC will retaliate for having the temerity to question St. Biden by shutting down the oil business. I live in Midland & a chill wind is already blowing here. They can dish it out, but they can’t take it, for sure. NOT MY PRESIDENT.

  6. Obama executive order does DACA. Trump signs executive order to get rid of it and the courts hold up DACA. Maybe the same will happen here and they will rule against Biden. Maybe?

    LOL, who am I kidding. Really these exec orders need to be gotten rid of. I didn’t like them with Obama and I didn’t like them with Trump. These big issues need to go through the Congress, period.

  7. Current situation reminds me of a joke:
    Heaven & hell wee having a dispute about borders.
    It went back & forth for a while, then God says. “OK, we’re going to sue!”
    Devil laughs, and says, “Where you gonna get a lawyer?”

    No court of this occupational presidency is going to give a fair trial.

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