Texas Rancher Calls Biden a ‘Traitor.’ – IOTW Report

Texas Rancher Calls Biden a ‘Traitor.’

The federal government is not granted authority over immigration in the U.S. Constitution, thus Texas’s power to patrol its borders is specifically safeguarded by the Tenth Amendment.

15 Comments on Texas Rancher Calls Biden a ‘Traitor.’

  1. #1 job if the prez is to protect the country.

    Seeing that he willfully prevents any protection of the border, he is committing a high crime against his country.

    He should be impeached and removed from office for these treasonous stances and actions.

  2. The guy merits a Senate trial for treason. After a guilty verdict, then impeachment. Then execution.

    But then, most of the Congress and DOJ merits that. As do several previous Presidents.

  3. This damned lawyer bending the words because of legal definitions is why people hate the bastards so. I don’t give a crap if you call F. Joe Bribem out for treason, sedition, insurrection, lying, or pissing in his pants. What the Bribem administration is doing is evil and wrong. Don’t make a crap what you call it. I call it Evil and I call FJB an agent for chyna. Follow the money,,, duh,,, Sorry S.O.B.

  4. Putting a puppet pretending to be the president is a fraud that has urinated on America and its people. Had enough yet??? Rise and take your government back, or sleep in a ditch.

  5. General Malaise – 30 years ago this would already have happened? Seriously? LBJ helped MURDER JFK, got us involved in a pointless war that led to the deaths of 50,000+ US soldiers, set up yet another welfare state and federal apparatus that is STILL destroying this country, helped in the murders of RFK and MLK (and likely dozens of others), and NOTHING WAS DONE TO HIM.

  6. IMHO
    All “Bush Republicans” are traitors! Bush started this OPEN BOARDER diaster 23 years ago! Why Jeb said in ’06, “…rape … IS AN ACT OF LOVE!”!
    “Bush Republican” open boarders are good for plutocrats; bad for workers!
    Why OPERATION WETBACK. gave America “pece and prosperity” for 6 years!


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