Texas Secretary of State’s Office Announces FULL FORENSIC AUDIT on 4 Texas Counties – IOTW Report

Texas Secretary of State’s Office Announces FULL FORENSIC AUDIT on 4 Texas Counties

Freedom Rock Radio:
In August the Texas Senate passed the Republican election integrity bill after an unsuccessful Democrat filibuster ended after 15 hours.
Via the America First Audit Channel.

The vote passed by an 18-11 margin.

Democrats tried to shut this audit down too — IN TEXAS!
Why are they so terrified of audits?

On Thursday the Texas Secretary of State announced it will conduct a FULL AND COMPREHENSIVE FORENSIC AUDIT in four Texas counties including the two largest Democrat Counties in the state. more here

3 Comments on Texas Secretary of State’s Office Announces FULL FORENSIC AUDIT on 4 Texas Counties

  1. If Biden truly won, then what harm is there in verifying it? Surely, if this WAS “the most secure election ever”, nothing will change and we can put all of this silly talk about stolen elections behind us once and for all, right? Funny how the D’s don’t see it that way.

  2. Obviously the Ds fear the exposure of their various and sundry Treasons, Frauds, Usurpations, Deceits, Lies, Dissimulations, Prevarications, and Mendacities.

    If they were honest they would embrace the audits (as stated above) and hurry them along so that there would be no hint of stain on the upcoming elections.

    My guess is that they desire an outbreak of hostilities (hence, their continual provocations and un-Constitutional edicts) so that they may impose martial law and rule by diktat. Our cities are already virtual cesspools of authoritarianism where the citizens are disarmed and cowed by the criminal elements in co-operation with the government – “Defund the Police,” indeed. These zealots (ghetto-rats and college students) will make up the strike forces to invade the countryside and subdue whatever vestiges of America remain (see Ukraine, circa 1930).

    izlamo delenda est …

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