Texas Seizes Property in Eagle Pass Under Governor Abbott’s Emergency Powers Amid Biden Border Crisis – IOTW Report

Texas Seizes Property in Eagle Pass Under Governor Abbott’s Emergency Powers Amid Biden Border Crisis

GP: The Texas Department of Public Safety notified Eagle Pass Mayor Rolando Salinas on Wednesday that Shelby Park was being taken over by an emergency order by Republican Governor Greg Abbott.

The park covers 47 acres and is right next to a portion of the Rio Grande River. This will give DPS officers control over the area to help stop illegals from crossing into the U.S. The take over is for an indefinite period of time with DPS having total control of the area. more

5 Comments on Texas Seizes Property in Eagle Pass Under Governor Abbott’s Emergency Powers Amid Biden Border Crisis

  1. I predict Valjar will send federal troops to retake the park while Pedo McShitshispants has not been seen in four days.

    I think the dementia has him 100% now and his end is near. The “SecDef” is also in mortal peril. The cover up of both these turds health is quite evealing. Manchelle is just around the corner while the retarded child will be at the tiller soon. May the Lord God Almighty save us all…

  2. American citizens – other than the $billionaire Bush Biden set – ne OPERATION WETBACK 2! !?@#$%$&

    Biased i am.

    I was an outspoken proponet of OPERATION WETBACK 66 YEARS AGO!

  3. Jarhead,
    Yep. Total agreement.
    Pres Eisenhauer had the right of it.
    “Operation Wetback” Redux.

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