Texas Senate and House pass bill that will crack down on protesters who block traffic and emergency vehicles – IOTW Report

Texas Senate and House pass bill that will crack down on protesters who block traffic and emergency vehicles

Law Enforcement Today:

AUSTIN, TX- According to recent reports, a bill that would increase penalties for protesters blocking roads and obstructing emergency vehicles is on its way to Governor Greg Abbott’s desk.

The two-term GOP governor who is also running for re-election next year stated that he plans to sign the measure into law. In a recent tweet, the governor wrote:

“Legislation cracking down on protestors for blocking roads PASSES in the Senate. Peaceful protests doesn’t include blocking roadways & preventing emergency vehicle assess. That chaos won’t be tolerated in Texas. Thanks to @StephanieKlick & @DonnaCampbellTX. I will sign soon.” more here

15 Comments on Texas Senate and House pass bill that will crack down on protesters who block traffic and emergency vehicles

  1. And yet dozens were against this. Meanwhile Austin is trying to get a grand jury to bring charges against the man that shot Garrett Foster, your poster child of a nightly peaceful protestor that blocked the road, trapped a Uber driver that had customers in his back seat and then raised his AR at him only to find out the hard way the gentleman in the vehicle was armed, in the military and proficient at shooting him dead when threatened.

  2. My patent answer for all these “get tough on criminals” measures is the same; unless the jurisdictional DA has the stones to actually do his job and charge these miscreants, then it’s all empty rhetoric. The only way to curb/eliminate this type of behavior is to punish them severely.

  3. Answerman Cooper MAY 25, 2021 AT 10:45 AM

    Defund the police already and let us take care of the scum. Sheesh.

    How about a two month paid leave instead? (no need to put officers and their families into hardship) That should be enough time for citizens to clear the streets and even the blamtifists would be begging for their return to keep them safe.

    No need to re-hire anyone and they can go back to work immediately after the smoke clears.

  4. Don’t read too much into this bill. It does not prevent protesters from blocking roadways and inconveniencing normal travelers unless blocking the roadway prevented the passage of an emergency vehicle or blocked a hospital entrance. Want to get a group together and stroll down a state highway or interstate? Have at it, presuming you’re one of the “special” peoples.

  5. reliving the jimma carter days of high inflation, high gas prices and high crime.

    aren’t the actions of these so called protesters already illegal?

    we need to pass new laws to even arrest them?

    you are not buying this are you?


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