Texas Sheriff Releases 39 Criminal Aliens in First Two Days of Sanctuary Policy – IOTW Report

Texas Sheriff Releases 39 Criminal Aliens in First Two Days of Sanctuary Policy

Breitbart: Despite the loss of state law enforcement grants, Travis County Sheriff Sally Hernandez followed through and released 39 criminal aliens during the first two days of her sanctuary policy.

Records obtained by Breitbart Texas from the Travis County Sheriff’s Office revealed that “Sanctuary Sally” released 37 criminal aliens from custody on February 1. Two more criminal aliens were released on the following day. The sheriff’s office stated that Sheriff Hernandez declined 191 immigration detainers that were received by her office before February 1. Eight more immigration detainers received after February 1 were also declined. The sheriff also declined four requests from immigration officials to be notified of the pending release of the criminal aliens in her custody.   MORE

21 Comments on Texas Sheriff Releases 39 Criminal Aliens in First Two Days of Sanctuary Policy

  1. So where do they go when they get out? Do they just hang around there, or do they venture out into the wider world of the Sanctuary Archipelago? Next thing you know the Mayors of the Archipelago will create a secret transit system between memeber cities. It’ll be called the “New Underground Railroad”, probably. No, certainly.

  2. I’m still waiting to see the Texas governor take any action that is not politically safe for him. He could have her arrested. He could send in the Texas national guard. He could send in the Texas Rangers. He could put his own men on the Texas border. He could……..but it seems, he won’t.

    All hat. No cattle.

  3. Perhaps the Border Patrol should set up checkpoints on every federal highway leading into Travis county, just outside the county border of course, and check every vehicle going into and out of that county from now until the next sheriff is elected. Sorry if that inconveniences the law abiding citizens. The will probably take them down when a new sheriff is elected

  4. Texans are seeing that our governor Abbott has a loud bark, but very few teeth for biting, so it seems. Rather disappointed in his Attorney general background leading to Governor with nice photo ops but weak results.

  5. We need some pick-ups to go to every Home Depot in the land.
    Equipped with extra gas tanks, they pick up day laborers. Then they get on the closest freeway.
    There is no slowing down until the border when the special train horn (installed by experts) alerts the border patrol to come and snatch up the illegals, and give the truck owner a two year game permit for the animal of his/her choice, and or NASCAR RV access to the races for ten years.

  6. I saw a guy at the market today that looks like the guy in the picture. The illustrated hombre. He kept to himself because he was with his chica, she was clean from all tats that you could see. I smiled as we crossed paths and so did he. Hopefully he’s on the straight path. But, I really don’t care. Every bodies got to shop and eat. That’s just my take on life.

  7. Hey Texas,

    Welcome to becoming California. Now, put your money where your mouth is and take care of this criminal Sheriff.

    What ever happened to “Don’t Mess With Texas”?

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