Texas Supreme Court Allows Arrest of Runaway Democrats – IOTW Report

Texas Supreme Court Allows Arrest of Runaway Democrats

WFB: AUSTIN, Texas—The Supreme Court of Texas on Tuesday allowed for the arrest or detention of Democratic lawmakers who fled the state to stop passage of an election reform package they view as an assault on voting rights.

Gov. Greg Abbott (R.) and statehouse speaker Matthew “Dade” Phelan (R.) have threatened to detain the runaway Democrats in the state capitol and force them to discharge their legislative duties once they return from Washington, D.C. On Sunday night a state court judge in Travis County issued an order blocking Abbott, Phelan, and other officials from taking that step. Tuesday’s move by the state supreme court voids the order for the time being.

“The Supreme Court of Texas swiftly rejected this dangerous attempt by Texas Democrats to undermine our Constitution and avoid doing the job they were elected to do,” Abbott spokeswoman Renae Eze said. “We look forward to the Supreme Court upholding the rule of law and stopping another stall tactic by the Texas Democrats.” more

13 Comments on Texas Supreme Court Allows Arrest of Runaway Democrats

  1. Imprison the fiends in the same way they jailed without due process the jan 6 protesters. Let’s see how far these comical dems will go without any fairness and justice. The slobs’ exoskeletons will melt as fast as a roach’s when sprayed with poison.

  2. Judges throw a scrap of red meat to the Republicans.
    Don’t worry libs, if you have the protection of street thugs like BLM or Pantifa then you wont be touched for any crimes committed. These sorry ass legislators are little fish in the grand scheme of things. Our legal eagles fear the Democrat Brown Shirts of today as much as they did in NAZI Germany of the 1930’s.

  3. Four of the dem legislators have returned. So their next tactic will be to tag-team. Four will return to “work”, then they will leave again to be replaced by another four, and so on. At some point Texas legislature needs to change the quorum rules to prevent this from happening again.


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