Texas Supreme Court orders Dallas salon owner released as Abbott bans jailing citizens for lockdown violations – IOTW Report

Texas Supreme Court orders Dallas salon owner released as Abbott bans jailing citizens for lockdown violations

FOX: The Texas Supreme Court on Thursday ordered the release of salon owner Shelley Luther, who was jailed for opening in violation of the state’s rules, as Gov. Greg Abbott issued an executive order retroactively eliminating jail time as a consequence for violating the state’s coronavirus restrictions.

Shortly after Abbott’s announcement, the Supreme Court of Texas ordered Luther’s release. An attorney for Luther, who is with her at the jail, told Fox News they don’t know the timing yet of when she will be freed. read more

32 Comments on Texas Supreme Court orders Dallas salon owner released as Abbott bans jailing citizens for lockdown violations

  1. Great woman who stood up for herself and people that want to work. I listened to her statement in court and she was so sincere and legitimate.

    And I know this is politically incorrect but, WOW!

  2. Left Coast Dan
    MAY 7, 2020 AT 2:58 PM

    “One thing, this will unleash the hordes. I am all for that, but pro-quarantiners will freeeeak!”

    ..they are welcome to stay home themselves and bathe in their own fear sweat as long as they like, I won’t try to come see them, I promise…

  3. So they’re sending people like this to jail because they don’t want to lose everything they built, while releasing violent felons because of the Chirona? Got it. Makes perfect sense.

  4. Racist communist prick wanted her to grovel, and she refused. Time for him to be disbarred, impeached, and then happen to meet up with some pissed off Texans in a dark alley.

  5. And she forced Abbott to step in and he ended up reopening salons tomorrow instead of the 18th. Standing up works. There was no reason not to allow hair salons to open with restaurants and theaters.

  6. People keep talking about “getting illegal” haircuts, and “breaking the law,” but I don’t believe those are laws. They weren’t passed by the legislature through the proper channels; therefore, the orders should have no teeth nor should they be enforceable. They are really just political CYA statements that should be ignored.

  7. The-Mamomma MAY 7, 2020 AT 4:49 PM

    People keep talking about “getting illegal” haircuts, and “breaking the law,” but I don’t believe those are laws. They weren’t passed by the legislature through the proper channels; therefore, the orders should have no teeth nor should they be enforceable. They are really just political CYA statements that should be ignored.


    The first week of shutdown here in Dallas, one of my church buddies asked if I was staying home.

    ‘No. They’ll have to declare martial law and shut the streets down to keep me from living my life and working.

    Then they’ll have a different problem with me.’

  8. I understand the freedom argument but you guys are going about this all wrong. You guys are going to be kissing the ring of government for as long as you keep doing what the government expects you to do. All business owners should close the business doors and tell the government “Fuck you. Make me open.” Talking to you Brad and Joe6 and Supernight.

  9. John Galt, at least you are beginning to speak in the terms that Ayn Rand intended for John Galt. However I’m not ready to throw in the towel yet. I’ve got kids and grandkids working with me and there is still a lot to teach them.

  10. All business owners should close the business doors and tell the government “Fuck you. Make me open.”

    That’s stupid because that’s suicide. Cutting off your nose to spite your face kind of stupid. You think like a leftist.

    Just work for yourself and your local community. Don’t pay the taxes if they aren’t representative of your community.

    Actually legit resistance.

    Don’t tread on us. Leave us alone.


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