Texas Town Mayor Resigns After Telling Residents to ‘Quit Crying’ Amid Energy Outages – IOTW Report

Texas Town Mayor Resigns After Telling Residents to ‘Quit Crying’ Amid Energy Outages


The mayor of a Texas town has resigned following a controversial social media post in which he responded to constituents who complained about ongoing energy outages that have kept parts of the state in the dark for nearly a week.

Colorado City Mayor Tim Boyd, who represented the small Mitchell County town of about 4,000 residents, reportedly resigned on Tuesday after he received backlash for a since-deleted Facebook post that spread widely on several social media platforms, KTXS12 reported.

“No one owes you [or] your family anything; nor is it the local government’s responsibility to support you during trying times like this! Sink or swim, it’s your choice!” the former mayor wrote. “The City and County, along with power providers or any other service owes you NOTHING!”

“I’m sick and tired of people looking for a damn handout! If you don’t have electricity you step up and come up with a game plan to keep your family warm and safe,” he continued. “If you have no water you deal without and think outside of the box to survive and supply water to your family.” read more

23 Comments on Texas Town Mayor Resigns After Telling Residents to ‘Quit Crying’ Amid Energy Outages

  1. Maybe if the government wasn’t so eager to literally hand out subsidies to green companies, that wouldn’t have survived in a normal free market, while also creating laws and taxes that prevent the use and creation of traditional more reliable energy, then this problem wouldn’t have ever happened.

  2. How stupid are the residents if they call up the mayor to complain about energy resources.

    The fudge does a mayor of a small town have to do with keeping the lights on?

    If I was the mayor I would have asked for some checks upfront from the complainers.

  3. I’ve been looking at pictures of Colorado City.

    Man, that place is ripe for exploitation. And development. Hell, they got water laying on the ground and tall…weird…green things growing up out of the ground….trees I think they’re called.

    Beats Arizona.

  4. “No one owes you, or your family anything”. Really? You pay your utility bills to keep your services on. You pay your taxes to pay ignorant motherfuckers like you. So, you figure that it is cool to take a giant shit on your constituents when they are literally freezing to death in the dark. Real classy, fucktard. Sorry for the vulgarity, but this kind of thing happens in places like Venezuela, it should NEVER happen in the U.S.A.

  5. Redcat……..he gets paid 9 dollars a month. He took the job because no one else wanted it.

    Hes just a guy. Not a politician. Probably snapped from all the idjits’ calling him up asking him to turn the lights back on.

    Go on googlemap like I did and check the town out. “Poor” isn’t the right word to describe the town. “Abandoned” would be more appropriate.

  6. There is truth in what he said, but you just don’t talk to Texans that way. It cost the bitch, Ann Richards, her governorship. A reporter asked her weeks before an election why she would not support a bill widely supported by Texans giving Texans the right to conceal carry. She stupidly answered, “I don’t care what the people of Texas want, they’re not gettin’ it!” George Bush overtook her and won the election. May Ann Richards rot in hell forever!

  7. Chef Pete, I see what you mean, but just because a town is poor & struggling still does not justify a person who is not really a politician dumping on the folks he represents. Perhaps he did snap due to the stress, just in my opinion, not that it matters, should one who is a rep of the people go on social media & dunk on them like that.

  8. There may be some truth in what he said, but damn. You don’t talk to your constituents that way. Here in my Dallas suburb, people are taking it upon themselves to help others: delivering water, food, firewood to those in need. Not a mayor or city council person in sight. Just ordinary people helping where they see a need. Yes, we’re bitching about the inconvenience of it all, but that’s human nature.

  9. No one wants to hear the truth. Or even the facts.
    We lost power back in MD for 7 days and it never occurred to me to call the County Council. We had an ice storm and transformers were exploding up and down the wires. It was pretty obvious, even to a plumber, that the problem wasn’t gonna be fixed by a phone call.

    People are comfortable being lied to – hence Biden the Usurper and the Stolen Election.

    izlamo delenda est …

  10. He doesn’t quite understand what socialism is, socialism is giving people free electric and water, not people paying for electric and water and then it not being provided to them. Socialism though does lead to no electric and water after there’s not enough people with money left to pay for the free electric and water. We’re forced to do that with our electric, our bill is always rounded up every month, so it might be 99 cents down to 1 cent extra we pay every month. Yes, I know it’s only change and if I was given the option I’d probably do it, but it does chap my behind that I’m not given the option. Anyway that extra we all pay is to go into a program to give people free electric.

    The thing about Okies and Texans though is they get hot under the collar and if they see you screwing up and then blaming us for your screw ups we lash out at you. Take Okies for instance, they were all doing their part to conserve electric, turning their thermostats down to 65 to 68, keeping their lights off, not using the dishwasher or washing machine. The rolling blackouts still happened and then suddenly everything was good enough for them to hold a NBA game and a College basketball game. So then Okies started telling them “screw you, our thermostats are going back up to a comfortable temperature, we’re not sitting in the dark and the dirty dishes and clothes are getting washed.” Then they started getting on their power company’s social media and informing them of not only that fact, but that when their bill came do they were going to have rollouts, once they paid the rest of their bills they’d roll back around to them. Funny thing though after the huge outcry about the basketball games, the corporation commission said they were going to assert some control over where the power gets shut off and since that time we haven’t gotten above a level 2.

    Following their source of power when the rolling blackouts stopped, coal was leading the way with up to 53% of the power, NG dropped to 30%, Nuclear 6%, followed by diesel and hydro and other sources. Wind was contributing a whopping 2% and solar 0. I don’t have a problem with NG, but it sure does seem like a huge waste of billions of taxpayers money to have converted coal fired power plants to NG and shut down at least one coal fire power plant in the state for wind power and it was saved coal that saved the day. If so many plants had not been converted to NG and plants had not been shut down for wind power, would we still have had this problem? Likely not. Texas from what I understand went to even less coal power plants on their grid and went to majority NG and wind power. Then you have governments who played games with NG to get the price up, followed by Biden ending the Keystone pipeline increasing the price even more and you see the failure of NG. They didn’t want to buy it at the huge inflated price. They can blow smoke up people’s ass all day and say everything froze, but the only things that froze enough to not work is there wind turbines that are the dumbest ass thing ever to be re-invented.

    They imho want to keep pushing and seeing what they can get away with and they’re about to find out.
    Even our damn governor is an idiot and immediately went to we’re going to ask the federal government for money.

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