Texas Wins Again: ‘Heartbeat’ Abortion Law Reinstated by US Appeals Court – IOTW Report

Texas Wins Again: ‘Heartbeat’ Abortion Law Reinstated by US Appeals Court

NeonNettle: Texas has secured a new victory over its “Heartbeat” abortion law after the U.S Appeals Court lifted a ban on the legislation that was imposed by an Obama-appointed judge earlier this week.

The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals granted a request by the state to set aside a lower court judge’s decision while the case is reviewed.

The ruling means the Texas Heartbeat Act, a law that bans most abortions, is temporarily back in effect.

The Texas law, also known as Senate Bill 8, bans abortions after a heartbeat is detected unless a medical emergency exists.

On Wednesday, Obama-appointed U.S. District Judge Robert Pitman granted the Biden administration’s petition to temporarily suspend the law.

Pitman at the time also denied Texas’ request to delay the enforcement of the injunction until it files an appeal with a higher court. more

8 Comments on Texas Wins Again: ‘Heartbeat’ Abortion Law Reinstated by US Appeals Court

  1. I’ll take care of it.

    (Gets out worn stamp, re-inks it, then…)



    (Walks away muttering)

    …i just MUST call Amazon up for a new one, THIS one’s pretty used up…

  2. I was reading idiot women arguing for abortion earlier this evening. People arguing with them really need to learn to quit beating around the bush with their bullshit about raped women and young girls having babies due to incest. Yeah it sucks if you were raped, but it’s still a baby. Yeah, incest is some sick shit, but it’s still a baby. Still 99% of abortions are not rape, in reality most rape victims have the baby with some raising their child and others giving them up for adoption. So 99% of abortions are due to women not controlling their bodies.

  3. ^^^^^^probably more like 99.999%^^^^
    I’ve listened to arguments for infanticide for years and they all boil down to the fact that those women in support have at some point in their lives HAD an abortion and need to normalize it for their conscience. I hope that they finally discover Jesus and I am sorry that I failed to introduce them.
    God bless

  4. I bet it makes the incest rapist very happy when he can get his daughter/rape victim a no-questions-asked abortion.


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