Texas woman arrested for punching officer who was trying to impound her pot belly pig – IOTW Report

Texas woman arrested for punching officer who was trying to impound her pot belly pig

This isn’t the first time the pig escaped, affidavit says. more here

26 Comments on Texas woman arrested for punching officer who was trying to impound her pot belly pig

  1. I bet the neighbors wish they’d have taken her instead of the pig.
    How hard is it to keep a small pig contained in the house or the yard?
    There’s always one woman like that in the neighborhood. Pets, kids, husband, all of them loose all day. lol

  2. A small town had a really slow guy that was harmless, everybody got along with Joe. One day Joe is walking down the street with a pig under his arm. Officer friendly stops him and asks “Where did you get the pig? And what are you going to do with it” Joe replies “I found it, and I don’t know what to do with it”. The cop says he should take it to the zoo.

    The next day the cop sees Joe walking down the street with the pig under his arm again. He says to Joe “I thought I told you to take him to the zoo”. Joe replies “I did, and he liked it so much that today I’m taking him to the circus”.

  3. “The pig could be rabid, dispatch it, call animal control;.”

    Don’t need animal control if it’s dead. Sanitation department deals with dead animals. They just toss it in the trash truck and drive off.

    Been there.


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