Text reveals Subway’s Jared paid 16-year-old for sex – IOTW Report

Text reveals Subway’s Jared paid 16-year-old for sex

NYPost– Former Subway sandwich spokesman Jared Fogle appears to admit in a text messsage to paying a 16-year-old girl $100 for sex, it was reported Friday.


The Business Insider Web site says the FBI subpoenaed an affidavit containing texts between Fogle and a former female Subway franchisee who apparently were in a relationship.  more

22 Comments on Text reveals Subway’s Jared paid 16-year-old for sex

  1. He has nothing to do with Subway anymore. Kinda unfair to add their name.
    There are a lot of guys who are afraid of older women.
    So they go after children. Maybe the penalty should be you lose your dick.
    But I don’t think that would stop a true perv.

  2. So sixteen-year-olds are fair game in Indiana? Surprised it’s not a sex-tourist destination. And $100? Some guys spend that on lunch.
    I’ve been to two Subways. One was staffed by blacks who didn’t know what a handwashing sink was for. The other staffed by whites who were covered in face piercings in addition to being not very clean. In an area where independent sandwich shops are ubiquitous, I never felt the desire to go back.

    Lesson: NEVER confess your soul on “social” media; that’s what priests are for.

  3. It wasn’t that long ago that a 16-year-old was considered a young adult. (My older sister was 16 when she got married and my older brother married a 16-year-old.) Today we have a false social construct called “adolescence” that promotes immaturity even into one’s twenties, thirties, and beyond.

  4. Always hated the fact that the guy became a millionaire by allowing himself to blow up into a out of shape fat fuck who then gets back down to a non-fat-fuck weight …. which is where the fat child-molesting fuck should have been in the first damn place.

    I eat at Subway sometimes and I weigh less now near age 60 than I did at age 30 when I was running four miles a day at Ft Bragg. Where’s my endorsement deal? I’ve got kind of a soft, pussified, effeminate voice just like Jared. I’d be perfect

    What pisses me off even more is that 90% of the people who eat at Subway GAIN WEIGHT, what with the foot long and the 15 separate sauces and dressings .. and that’s before Subway pushes the soda and chips and cookies on them

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