Texts reveal Hunter Biden’s meltdown over discarded gun incident – IOTW Report

Texts reveal Hunter Biden’s meltdown over discarded gun incident


EXCLUSIVE — Hunter Biden berated his sister-in-law Hallie Biden and accused her of ruining his life after he learned she had thrown his gun in the trash near a Delaware high school in October 2018, newly revealed texts from a copy of his abandoned laptop show.

Hunter lamented that Hallie, the widow of his brother Beau, had given the impression he’s “an abusive pedophile with homicidal tendencies” and said that “that’s now in the hands of the FBI.” He said police and the bureau opened an investigation into him over the incident. The Secret Service also inserted itself into the saga, according to other texts from Hunter, although the agency has denied involvement.

“Beau owned a handgun issued by the state and I[t] was in the front glove compartment of his car. So f*** you … What right do you f***ing have Hallie,” Hunter said in the Oct. 23, 2018, text exchange, just hours after Hallie discarded his gun. “There are 5 guns in dads house. There are f***ing more weapons in your sons room then in an armory.” more

13 Comments on Texts reveal Hunter Biden’s meltdown over discarded gun incident

  1. I really wish that douche, his douchey father, and DOCTOR Jill would just all go away. Give me back the mean tweets. It was more entertaining to hear the media tear their hair out about the mean tweets than to watch my bank account drain and the economy go down in flames.

  2. C’mon Man! What’s a undeceased son supposed to do when his deceased brother’s wife gets snippy about an illegal, loaded handgun? The Laptop from Hell is like a Guidebook for Really, Really Dysfunctional Families. It needs to be read out loud by Actors and Actresses on a stage in New York City like Robespierre Muller’s Russian Collusion Report was a few years ago. We could all benefit from some bits of wisdom from the smartest man Dementia Joey knows.

  3. It is a stone cold natural fact that Hunter Biden lied on a 4473 FACT that Hunter Biden was not charged and prosecuted for lying on a 4473.

    It isn’t surprising that he lied, the Bidens are all lying sacks of shit.

  4. The DoJ will never prosecute Cunter Biden because any future prosecution would beg the question as to why no past prosecutions occurred for offenses every bit as egregious.

  5. Hey Joe, give up your guns, all of them.
    You never know when you drug addict son will use them.

    Particularly now that you have a limited mental capacity. Any Alzheimer patient should not have direct access to firearms out of concern for their safety and their family.

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