“Thank You” – IOTW Report

“Thank You”

Palmieri Report: Mike Lindell Thanks Dominion For Suing Him.

“I’m very happy that they finally got that suit filed”  […]
“My message to Dominion is thank you for finally getting this done, because it’ll be back in the limelight now.” 

22 Comments on “Thank You”

  1. According to Doctor Google 100,000+ Covid deaths since fraudster biden became president.

    Trump had 400,000 covid deaths on his watch in 1 year.
    Biden 100,000 covid deaths in 1 month!
    That’s a 25% increase in one month for total covid deaths with biden!
    How’s that biden covid plan working out for America

    Democrats lie & cheat.
    Republicans are weak.

  2. This should turn out to be interesting, in a definitive sort of way.

    Both sides, the Judge, and the Jury will be doing America a great service by presenting and examining all evidence for verification and deciding the issue once and for all.

    Dominion seems confident of their position, but so does Lindell. Either one or the other backs down, which would be admitting their side is false, or the Jury ends up deciding on the truth after examining the evidence.

    Time for all to lay their cards on the table to see who wins.

  3. Seems like a lot of people are assuming that Mike will be allowed to enter evidence and aquire evidence by discovery. I hope so but the way the courts are working lately, I’m not confident whatsoever. He very well may end up bankrupt for doing the work our politician’s and judicial wouldn’t.

  4. This is text-book lawfare. This isn’t about clearing Dominion’s good name of any wrong-doing — this is about Dominion making it as uncomfortable and expensive and protracted as they possibly can without ever actually going to trial in an attempt to crush someone daring to speak the truth, all as a message to everyone else to shut up and mind their own business. I hope Mr. Lindell has the means to endure this, and the goods to put Dominion away.

  5. “Seems like a lot of people are assuming that Mike will be allowed to enter evidence and aquire evidence by discovery. ”

    Courts operate off of rules of evidence, legal standards that govern these proceedings, a violation of them would be cause for immediate appeal to force the issue, or an appeal after the judgment to have it set aside.

    A good lawyer would be both pursuing their case immediately while setting the entire proceeding up to give as many grounds of appeal as possible with the real intent being to win on appeal.

    FWIW, discovery would only be allowed on the issues and evidence actually presented and relevant to it and nothing else (i.e. suing for damages after being hit by a Coca Cola truck wouldn’t give you a discovery right to demand their secret formula for Coke) so whatever discovery is allowed would be restricted to the claims and evidence actually presented to the court. Discovery is a powerful tool, but not an omnipotent one.

  6. Anonymous, I think what Different Tim is saying is that we currently have an establishment legal system with a strong bias against revisiting any claims or evidence of election fraud. All of the generalities you state may be true, but they do not address the valid perception by millions of people that the legal system is rigged as much as the election system.

  7. …the judge won’t grant discovery, will place a gag order on everyone, and will make every ruling against Lindell…God bless him for trying, but you can’t ask criminals for relief from criminals, and criminals are all that’s in the government and judiciary now, apart from a few that will be bribed, blackmailed, or “commit suicide” in the near future…

    …I fully expect Justice Thomas to be found with a pillow over his face any day now. He’s an intelligent Black man who won’t stay on the Democrat plantation and keeps causing trouble over their election fraud, so someone’s probably calling Hillary for the number of the guy she had murder Justice Scalia as we speak…


    …you should see the smack that USA Today and Slate and other media outlets are saying about him as they ridicule the very idea that the fraudulent “election” can be questioned…I’m not going to give them clicks, though, they’re just going to have to have Joe’s team fake clicks for THEM, too…

  8. China will get the exclusive contract for the new Biden SS uniforms to be announced in 2022. Inside gossip claim is that they have a snappy 1934 retro look, black boots and all.

  9. In 2008 prior to Obama’s election I wrote often at American Thinker.
    Most of what I wrote was questioning Obama’s eligibility and his socialist or worse, marxists comments.
    I was notified by American Thinker that the name I was using was offensive. The name I used was “She is special too”. I was referring
    to my very spoiled new puppy. I called them questioning how this could be offensive. The lady I spoke with was very polite and said she would get back to me. She called back to say the moderator’s reply was “In German this has a different meaning.” I laughed and replied that I didn’t speak German and that we were living in the United States of America in case he was confused. I also told her the meaning of the comment. Regardless, the moderator said I would have to change the name.
    I said I preferred to leave the website for good, as I was quite certain this was more about my comments regarding Obama’s eligibility than the name I used. Either way it was censorship.
    Several months later I received an email From American Thinker that they missed my comments and wanted me back. Needless to say, I never returned.

  10. Dominion waited a few months before they filed suit. They must be confident all the evidence has been destroyed. I hope Sydnee still has the goods. Mike needs to set up a GoFundMe account. We need to have 10,000 individual lawsuits against Dominion for stealing the election.


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