Thankful I am not there – IOTW Report

Thankful I am not there

Geller Report: An Iranian Woman’s Anguish.

Every so often we get a glimpse into the wretched lives of most Iranians – not that of the well-fed plump mullahs, not the sinisterly smiling Ayatollah Khamenei with his $250 billion business empire, not the IRGC commander threatening to set the whole Middle East aflame – but ordinary Iranians, who in their rage at all they are suffering from the mad misrule, expensive foreign adventurism, and economic mismanagement, of the mullahs, dare to protest on camera.

In recent years there have been crowds of protesters, demanding an end to all the aid the Islamic Republic gives to Hezbollah and Hamas. Along with “Death to the Ayatollahs,” protesters shouted “Death to Palestine” in July 2018. They also called for “death to the ayatollahs.” It was a way to express their total disaffection from the regime, for hatred of Israel has been a foundational belief of the Islamic Republic; “death to Palestine” turns that belief upside down. The protesters undermine that hatred of Israel by calling not for “death to Israel” but “death to – the worst enemy of Israel – Palestine.” Furthermore, Iranians are furious at the tens of billions being spent by the regime on its foreign adventurism – in Yemen, Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon — which does not interest them, while medicine and food, that are in short supply, do.

A single elderly woman, standing outside a hospital in Shiraz, took a stand against the mighty mullahs, and allowed herself to be recorded and videotaped. Her rage and despair were written on her face; you can see her outburst here. transcribed the tape, which had been uploaded to the Internet, here.

On October 1, 2019, a video of a woman at the entrance to a hospital in Shiraz, Iran, was uploaded to the Internet. Encouraging others to join her in protest, the woman shouted: “My child is hungry [and] our people are hungry… [Our leaders] are thieves [and] they should leave this country… To hell with them… I have diabetes and I can’t get my medicine… Mr. Khamenei, your expiration date has come and gone. Go meet your Maker.” MORE

10 Comments on Thankful I am not there

  1. just thankful that tomorrow is ‘Black’ Friday

    … not ‘Brown’ Friday, not ‘Yellow’ Friday, not ‘White’ Friday …

    … BLACK Friday …. I am soooooooo triggered!


  2. Note that the woman isn’t concerned with the hundreds of thousands of her fellow countrymen killed by the regime, nor is she apparently concerned with the barbarities of islam. She also has no problem with the hundreds of thousands killed by the actions of the mullahs who are not Iranian, such as Israelis for example. She cares not for the constant murder of innocents for ‘jihad’.

    Essentially she is complaining for selfish reasons. “I” can’t get this, and “I” can’t get that. Not one mention of basic human rights like free speech or freedom to assemble, or even a free market.

    This is not someone I feel particularly sorry for. Islam is an evil, barbaric totalitarian tyranny that should be removed from the face of the earth. Until such time as there is an uprising to eliminate islam, their protest falls on deaf ears.

  3. The elites will never say there are enough taxes, wars, debt, and tyranny.

    The ruling class will continue their insanity until the US Ponzi economy collapses, the 99% are sent to the concentration camps, a civil war breaks out, and WWIII starts so they can divide the wealth of the world among themselves. This is the end game. The only question is when.

    You would need to be living under a rock not to see this.

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