Thanks, Brandon! – IOTW Report

Thanks, Brandon!

29 Comments on Thanks, Brandon!

  1. 7 bucks in L.A.

    I can’t find anything under 5 and change where I live.

    It’s so bad my “gas buddy” app is broken, it defaults to an error screen that says,”Fuck it, take your bike”.

  2. Heating oil is right up there too.
    Our heat and hot water are off the furnace.
    So now instead of about $350 to fill our tank it will be over $850.
    FJB & his puppet masters

  3. Per Jerome Powell, we have high inflation because the economy is so strong.

    These are the idiots running our lives. Or they’re all complicit in our ugly demise.

  4. Just so you know:

    Turdeau cancelled 3 major pipelines in Canuckistan YEARS BEFORE Brandon took over the White House.
    $1.82/litre in Toronto today.
    estimated $1.90 by Wednesday.

    I win again!

  5. Series of questions:
    1-FJB stopped domestic petroleum drilling, production with a (p)Residential ExOrd (Y?/N?)
    2-Is it possible for Teh Knogressional Klown Krew in Mordor-in-the-Swamp to pass a law that would overturn a (p)Residential ExOrd?
    3-with a veto override? (’cause you just KNOW in a’y’alls black flabby hearts that (p)Resident Xiden ain’t gonna sign it)

    TIme to start banging on your local Kongress Kritters’ doors and start demanding some action to re-jump start domestic drilling. DRILL, BABY, DRILL!!

  6. I filled my XLT yesterday for $3.58 per gallon. Filled my XL today at the same station for $3.58 per gallon. It’s going up every day. We are in deep doo doo.

  7. Green Energy – The only thing green about “Green Energy” is the hard-earned, over-taxed-payer money that’s being thrown to the four winds to power it!!
    It’s not about Green Energy. It’s all about Make America and the West weak and unproductive! Get the West off of fossil fuels and hooked onto an extension cord! Give them the false impression that they are being good boy scouts to save the Earth, while the Chinks burn OUR coal and oil in the dirtiest methods possible, then pull the rug out from under them and turn off the power! My God! Look at everything they’ve lied to us about and then tell me “Oh, but they’re telling the truth about Green Energy!”
    Roger that!

  8. Drove over 160 miles today for work.

    $3.899-$3.999 in most of East Dallas as I left town.

    Passed a $3.639 sattion along the way and stopped at it on the way back.

    Everyone there was wanting to kick asses of the likes of the juvenile anonys here.

    They should fear being alone and talking lefty sh*t to anyone.

  9. The fug would I want Rooshin’ rupees for my ride? We’re already giving Rusha 1 BILLION a day in US DOLLARS.

    The fug outta here with your frayed cuffs and mismatched socks.

  10. Saw my first $4/gal sign yesterday in Houston. Well, $3.9999, as if that fraction of a cent means the difference between filling up somewhere else or running out.


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