Thanks Obama! Possible 2nd Ebola Victim in Dallas – IOTW Report

Thanks Obama! Possible 2nd Ebola Victim in Dallas

USA Today

Health officials are closely monitoring a possible second Ebola patient who had close contact with the first person to be diagnosed in the U.S., the director of Dallas County’s health department said Wednesday.

All who have been in close contact with the man diagnosed are being monitored as a precaution, Zachary Thompson, director of Dallas County Health and Human Services, said in a morning interview with WFAA-TV.

“Let me be real frank to the Dallas County residents: The fact that we have one confirmed case, there may be another case that is a close associate with this particular patient,” he said. “So this is real. There should be a concern, but it’s contained to the specific family members and close friends at this moment.”



We were once a great nation. Now we, because of progressives, are careening toward 3rd world status.


31 Comments on Thanks Obama! Possible 2nd Ebola Victim in Dallas

  1. The first victim was sent home with antibiotics because doctors didn’t recognize the symptoms.

    I thought Obama didn’t want his daughters “punished with ebola”?

  2. There is no such thing as a silver lining when you are talking about Ebola within our borders but I know of some Libs that are scared and fit to be tied. Maybe reality will start being real to these idiots.

  3. Don’t stop at Obama, thank the gutless Speaker of the House and the Republicans who chose to follow Boehner’s lead and do nothing about this lawless president. All of them have blood on their hands.

    Besides Ebola, a child has now died from the Enterovirus-68 that Obama & Pelosi’s precious children have brought us from Latin America.

    Again, thanks Obama & Congress for now officially making us a third world country.

  4. I bet he kissed a lot of friends and relatives when he got here.

    Wait, what about the dishwasher where he had breakfast the other day? What about the money he coughed on then paid the bill? What about…

  5. Incompetence alone can’t account for the risks we’re now living with.

    *puts on Reynolds Wrap thinking cap*

    I suspect the Obama admin is trying to increase enrollment for his shitty healthcare scheme by deliberately importing these 3rd world diseased peasants to the USA.

  6. @Zonga,

    That reminds me – I was at a grocery store Monday, in the produce section. There was a mom and her toddler son next to me looking at stuff. I heard her son cough, one of those that sounds really bad and gets your attention. I looked down at him and he had coughed all over the open produce he was touching, just inches in front of his face. I stepped away to another location and observed that he continued to cough all over the merchandise. I’m not phobic about germs, just “aware” of what people are doing as it regards spreading of disease. I know some people who wash EVERYTHING they bring home from the store before they put it up. I’m not quite there, yet.

    Maybe we can have a thread about “most unhygienic things you’ve seen people do in public.”

  7. This is only the beginning. Ebola? What is this Ebola? That is beneath TheObama.
    TheObama and John McCain are relishing in the words of Turkey’s president that Syria’s Assad must be toppled as part of the process in fighting IS. Careful Johnny. You and TheObama may have a coronary when you finally give Syria to the terrorists. Jerks!

  8. Local news conf just wrapped up…4 DISD schools may be affected… County judge said “nobody sleeping till this CRISIS is over”… Then they said not to panic, all under control, monitoring area and don’t want to cause panic to scatter people outside of area… Said something like 33 diff languages involved… If anybody believes this shit ain’t already outta control…

  9. This Ebola virus needs to get organized.

    Obama is going to declare $10Billion be spent to create a network of community organizers to flock to Dallas to organize Ebola so this outbreak is contained to as small of an area as possible.

    (Preferably the Republican neighborhoods, but that’s just in the fine print.)

  10. i emailed my bigs last week if ALL 3000 troops would have to return with OBOLA as a MANDATE or just the soldiers who tend to vote R

    just breakin a shitload of eggs to make a big fucking OBAMLETTE

  11. h/t:

    Check the dates. Patient showed up in the ER on the 24th with symptoms and was discharged.
    Returned to the hospital with same symptoms and additional symptoms days later and tested positive for both malaria and ebola and placed in isolation on the 28th. Four days. Where was he? Where did he go? Who did he infect? And why was that left out of the formal news conference?

  12. He’s tried to destroy the economy – but Americans are pretty resilient.

    He’s tried to instigate a race war – but Americans don’t hate on account of race.

    He’s tried to raise the Caliphate – but Americans know it’s better to fight them there, than here.

    So, with war and famine off the table, he’s trying for pestilence.

    Guess what’s next?

  13. Whatever you do, do not take whatever “miracle” vaccine the govt suddenly comes up with and, do not heed govt advice when they insist people be put into “camps” in order to contain the disease. Cause we know they exist and we know the govt is looking for the right opportunity. I noticed that the govt hasn’t mentioned that there are FOUR strains of ebola–all deadly. I think they tested out which one would do the greatest damage in the shortest amount of time.

    I wouldn’t put it pass the govt to give the “vaccine” to people in lieu of the flu shot, especially since ole Zeke just said folks shouldn’t live past 75.

    I hear Henry Kissinger’s voice…”America is the only thing that stands in the way of the new world order.” The cry of the enviromentalists these past weekend, was “too many people on the planet, it should be purged.”

    None of this is by accident. NONE.OF.IT.

  14. In case you were wondering just how dangerous the weapon of political correctness is, well, it’s between 60-90% lethal.

    There was never any good reason to not exclude travel in and out of the ebola hot zone. It was done because of PC, pure and simple.

  15. Well, with a possible second infected person things are going to get interesting over the next few weeks.

    Regardless of what happens my prediction is panic if a few more people turn up with it.

    Word here is between 4 and 12 kids had contact with him. Kids who have been to school and are just now under observation.

    I also have heard mention of the strain of Ebola this guy has. I did not know there were other strains.

    I bet we learn a lot very shortly.

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