Thanks to Biden, the Modern Liberal Project is Dead – IOTW Report

Thanks to Biden, the Modern Liberal Project is Dead

American Thinker

By Tim Jones

If there is a silver lining to the disaster that is Biden’s presidency, it’s that it has brought into sharp focus all that’s wrong with the Democrat Party. It’s culminating in trajectories that began as far back as the Sixties that gave birth to the radical environmentalism and identity politics of today. In hindsight, it’s easy to see where this was leading to because like most things liberal/progressive, there are no limits to anything inside its core ideology. so it was inevitable that the political laws of gravity were going to put the brakes on it, which is exactly what’s happening today.

It was Rachel Carson’s book Silent Spring, first published in 1962, that initiated the modern environmental movement that’s now front and center in Biden’s administration with its extreme green policies. Then there’s the hyper-individualism and self-liberation movement of the Sixties that in tandem with the civil rights movement has morphed into the extreme and grotesque identity politics of today. And that’s best represented by the transgender movement that seemed to have come out of nowhere and is ironically destroying the feminist movement where both are now coming into conflict with one another.

What we’re seeing at this time is cramming gender fluidity down the throats of school children where public schools are adopting it as standard operating procedure. Kids are exposed to library readings by drag queens with books promoting transgenderism on the shelves of public libraries. In this June’s Pride Month, children were invited to participate in a variety of drag queen events. Extreme identity politics is front and center in the Biden administration. For example, Rachel Levine, Biden’s assistant secretary of Health, is a transgender and Karine Jean-Pierre, his press secretary is a black gay female. For the Democrats, it’s all about checking off the right boxes in order to prove your progressive bona fides with qualifications and experience being far down the résumé for anyone to obtain a position in his administration. Pete Buttigieg, a gay man and Biden’s Secretary of Transportation, was formerly the mayor of South Bend, Indiana — talk about Laugh Out Loud. Two black women, Kamala Harris and Ketanji Brown Jackson, are also perfect examples of how identity politics is no longer about helping everyone but only just a select few based on your preferred grievance category that will pander to the Democrat Party’s voter base while satisfying its extremely wealthy and progressive donor class.

All this is showing to the world (especially those who can’t or don’t want to see it) that the Left and the Democrats have exhausted the modern liberal project that found its roots in LBJ’s Great Society programs. more

9 Comments on Thanks to Biden, the Modern Liberal Project is Dead

  1. I was fourteen back in 1968, but I already knew the hippies were going to be trouble for the future of America. Those bastards who said not to trust anyone over thirty are the ones causing so much chaos today. My dad hated LBJ because he knew he was screwing over blacks to simply gain power for the racist/leftist Democrats. Rachel Carson is responsible for the deaths of untold millions because of her war on DDT. They died from diseases that DDT was used to control in the third world. Today, scientists know that DDT was actually one of the safest chemicals used to control the pests that killed, and still kill, so many. DDT actually degrades quickly instead of lingering for decades like many chemicals used today. I’m sick of the perverted sodomites guiding our country toward total destruction. I’m sick of all the faggots telling everyone that they are bad people if they don’t agree with their perversion. I’m sick of leftist teachers and professors ruining the lives of students who won’t embrace their doctrine, or worse, agree with it. I’m sick of the attack upon religion and decency and the way they have erased it from every aspect of society and entertainment. I’m sick of the sexual freakshows and afro-centric crap during the Superbowl. I’m sick of the shear stupidity of the people who believe the crap that has been shoveled into their weak minds. Most of all, I’m sick that abortion was ever allowed to become normal based on lies. I hate the left and everything they stand for beyond my ability to express. May they all burn in a lake of fire for eternity.

  2. One gets the feeling Trump let them have their way just to expose them. He knew the Demos were going to cheat bigly.

    Now, as so often, they had their warning and now they get theirs.

  3. Yes the hippies are grown up and in the government now and their liberal grandkids are joining them wanting them to push harder on the lever of self destruction.

  4. yeah I’m sick of it too. And how much good is we being sick of it doing? How sick are we going to be when the midterms are stolen? Any more room on The I’m Sick Of It Meter?

    Mines’ been pegged for a long time and frankly it ain’t gonna unpeg anytime soon that I can see.

    What if some bullshit DOJ grand jury indicts DJT? Anyone? Bueller?

  5. Agree with you on the “Pegged BS meter”. Now, do you wonder why “they” pushed so hard to get us oldsters triple+ jabbed ? Are the Normies even capable of waking up? I despair. The few I know are still asleep. They will obediently get their 4th+ jabs. And when they get sick AGAIN, they will tell me again, “Thank God I got my shot, or I would have been more sick”. Truly, this is what they say.


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