Thanks to Fresno Sheriff Mims: 300 Criminal Illegal Aliens Have Been Deported – IOTW Report

Thanks to Fresno Sheriff Mims: 300 Criminal Illegal Aliens Have Been Deported

CPR: While the Police Chief of Los Angeles is promising to use his cops to protect law breakers from foreign countries, the Mayor of San Fran is stealing money from the public to provide attorneys for law breakers and the Queen of illegal aliens, Janet Napolitano is going to use tuition money not for education but for attorneys to keep illegal aliens from being deported.


Fresno is a law abiding County.ย  Sheriff Mims, follows the State and Federal laws.ย  Sheriff Mims allows ICE to ferret out immigration law breakers, among a jail filled with criminals of all stripes.

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7 Comments on Thanks to Fresno Sheriff Mims: 300 Criminal Illegal Aliens Have Been Deported

  1. It’s a good start. I guess. If they have ICE agents stationed at the jail to run checks on all potential illegals and are only deporting felons, I have to ask, why the hell aren’t you deporting everyone here illegally?

    It’s waaaay past time to be drop kicking these illegals back south-if Mexico has to start dealing with 1,000s of illegals that are OTM & are suddenly appearing back in Nogales, they’re going to start keeping them
    out of their country in the first place.

    Our country is little more then a pressure relief valve(and a huge cash exporter) to Mexico-I read we have taken in close to 20%!!! of the total population of Mexico and I do believe that’s low. If these people were not allowed to come here, they’d have little choice but to work on change in their own country.

    This corruption goes back to even before Santa Ana(yes that Santa Ana)-it’s time for them to take the bull by the horns-the American Gravy Train is done running.

  2. If the scum return, this is basically setting them free.

    How much would it cost to insert tracking devices? Say an oral pill that dissolves at a rate such that its contents are realeased in the small intestines (say). The contents would be several emitters engineered to embed in intestine walls.

  3. California is NOT L.A and S.F. They just have all the votes. 95% of the land mass is very conservative. Fresno County is heavy Hispanic but still leans Repub. The Sheriffs from the rural counties communicate and share programs a lot. O wouldn”t be surprised to see this happening up a down the state. Well, up the state for sure.

  4. @ MM
    “Our country is little more then a pressure relief valve(and a huge cash exporter) to Mexico-I read we have taken in close to 20%!!! of the total population of Mexico and I do believe thatโ€™s low. If these people were not allowed to come here, theyโ€™d have little choice but to work on change in their own country.

    This corruption goes back to even before Santa Ana(yes that Santa Ana)-itโ€™s time for them to take the bull by the horns-the American Gravy Train is done running.”

    Dead on! 1000 TU.

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