Thanksgivings misgivings – IOTW Report

Thanksgivings misgivings

9 Comments on Thanksgivings misgivings

  1. The sad thing is that she’s more “native American” than he is “conservative”. And that ain’t sayin’ much since both of them are truthfully 0.00000 percent of either.

  2. Romney would have been worse for America than Obama. Far worse. I said it at the time that he was running for President and I believe it even more strongly today. And as for Paul Ryan, he has absolutely zero ethics. Not even a scintilla. I know he was working back room deals with the Democrat leadership that were 180 removed from what he was telling the public.

  3. Followers of the cult of taqiyya and kitmān.
    Lie to disguise their disingenuous ambitions.

    In the 30s it was called the “Big Lie” and was practiced by just about every politician on Earth. The “Big Lie” has since become the standard.
    President Trump is the first in around 100 years who repudiated the “Big Lie” and is roundly despised for it. More than anything else, TDS is attributable to President (formerly Mr.) Trump’s refusal to lie – which placed him on outs with all four branches of government (including the Fourth Estate).

    izlamo delenda est …


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