That Boy Ain’t Right – IOTW Report

That Boy Ain’t Right

WFB: WATCH: Biden Goes 40 Seconds Without Blinking, Raising Health Concerns.
A normal human being blinks once every three to four seconds.

20 Comments on That Boy Ain’t Right

  1. Whut we need now is for Tommy Lee Jones to ask him:
    I don’t suppose you know what kind of alien life form leaves a green spectral trail and craves sugar water, do you?

  2. That’s nothing.

    He’s gone more than 5 decades without any normal human empathy, compassion, concern, decency, dignity, or anything remotely resembling common sense or intelligent thought.

  3. Oh, and he pretty openly molests choldren, too. Its pretty impressive that no one has shot him for that alone.

    Guess that’s why he needs the government jobs.

    Because he’d be justly dead many times over without government guns to guard him and government shills to exonerate him.

  4. Wonder what his heart rate was – 150 bpm? He didn’t hesitate, stop to process or stumble over a word. He was amped up! He’s a train wreck waiting to happen.

    Driving that train
    High on cocaine
    DC Joe you better
    Watch your speed
    Trouble ahead
    Trouble behind
    And you know that notion
    Just crossed my mind?

  5. TheMule is right …. crappy CGI. not even as good as Woke Disney’s unburial of Princess Leah (& that was pretty bad)

    … the real Pedo Pete doesn’t even have the same cadence

  6. yep Parkinson brain disease-dementia will do that to ya. Brain can’t signal eye muscles to blink or move naturally. Biden looks like a freakin lizard with them creepy eyeballs.


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