DMUK: The Italians are known for their tactile approach when it comes to meeting and greeting – and the country’s prime minister was no exception last night when he met Michelle Obama at the White House.

Wowed by the dazzling First Lady in her custom-made Atelier Versace dress, Matteo Renzi was pictured with his hand firmly clamped on her lower back as they walked into the Obamas’ final state dinner.
Twitter, users were quick to point out the affectionate display, with one user joking: ‘I’m watching you Renzi’!
Barack Obama had promised that they had ‘saved the best for last.’ And the first lady lived up to that promise with her floor length, rose gold chainmail gown.
She showed off her signature toned arms and completed the glamorous look with poker-straight locks.
h/t Melodee
There’s enough chainmail there to secure a State Department compound in Benghazi.
You can put a dress on a cow but its stall a cow!
If her ass gets any wider she will need clearance lights and a ‘wide load’ banner.
Her new weave looks a little janky. What horse did they have to shave to get that hair.
Do you think Melania will get such slobbering press as First Lady?
So Renzi like him some Tranny?
Moochelle ain’t the worst-looking person in the world, but she isn’t exactly svelte. Nor does she have toned arms. That side shot is particularly revealing.
What is the world coming to when they dress up a 225lb ex-linebacker in a chain mail dress and try to pass him off as a fashion icon?
That’s a dude, dude in an overrated dress
I will be grateful when the millions of dollars worth of clothing, makeup, hairdos, stylists and the rest are piled onto a U-Haul and pulling away from the WH curb. Forever.
Fuckin’ Italians would feel up a recently flicked booger….
Dang her for culturally appropriating my ‘do’ (on a bad hair day).
Chainmail is a wise choich fo Moo. It doesn’t retain odors.
@Left Coast Dan – I’m sorry, but I have to disagree. I think Michelle is hideous.
Sorry about typos again. Still not used to ipa
If she is considered well dressed with some of the hidious things she’s worn then Ronald McDonald is off to GQ mag for acover photo shoot.
6ft2″ of raving beauty. and with a set of grinders that could shred a belted radial.
If you ever wanted to see a picture of Shaquille O’Neal in a dress with a wig on, there it is.
Mooch is ‘glamourous’ and Mussolini ran the trains on time.
Turn around, I wanna see if it hides her pecker.
If someone is dressing her, they hate her pretty bad.
Never put shiny clothes on an unbalanced figure. She may as well have worn a sandwich board that said, “Huge ass, no tits”.
She needs to learn how to dress her shape.
Also, how long did it take them to scale that trout? lol
Wait a minute, the poor guy just got his hand stuck in her ass crack.
Perfect outfit for a Chicago knife fight.
@MJA, you are busting me up tonight. lol
I thought Target stopped selling clown costumes.
“Sassie” really prepared for this to-do. Lots of shaving and full body waxing, pancake make up and practice swinging those awkward, elongated arms like a human and less like a Sasquatch.
The “Sassie” comment was me.
That dress cost twice what’s normal, since it took twice the fabric.
BTW, I think there’s a typo in the story. It’s not ‘toned’, but ‘tonned’.