That Time When Armed Protesters Stormed The MI Capitol – IOTW Report

That Time When Armed Protesters Stormed The MI Capitol

Last week, armed protesters stormed Michigan’s capitol. Here’s what you need to know. #michigan#2A#coronavirus

13 Comments on That Time When Armed Protesters Stormed The MI Capitol

  1. Just happened at 1225AM Hour on m$NBC:

    Caitlin Dickerson
    NY Times Immigration Reporter
    3 Take Aways

    1) Mexicans are being locked in cells 20 to 30 Hours a day.

    2) Illegals do NOT take jobs away from US citizens

    3) More immigrants are needed because math is really hard in thier home countries

    Check the msNBC Record at the 0025 Eastern Hour for proof.

    MAY 11, 2020 AT 12:29 AM
    “Late Breaking News: Sean Hannity has been found … in a fetal position, under his bed”

    …that guy…what a disappointment…only took some Kung Flu to turn him Covid Yellow and have him calling for tyranny along with the Democrats for Gummint to pwotect him…sad…

  3. it’s getting pretty bad when the people who like to tell everyone else what they can do are protesting being told what to do.

    liberals are the silliest people.

    Americans are not going to stand for this lock down much longer, the protests will only grow


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