That time when Rep. Al Green (D-TX) was dating a(n alleged) coke wheure – IOTW Report

That time when Rep. Al Green (D-TX) was dating a(n alleged) coke wheure

DC: Texas Democratic Rep. Al Green had sex with a staffer who he said was a drug addict and then sued her when she threatened to go public with claims she suffered a hostile work environment, saying he “will not be extorted or blackmailed.”

Lucinda Daniels, his onetime district director, claimed she suffered a hostile work environment, claimed sexual harassment and demanded $1.8 million. Green sued her, saying she was using their sexual relationship to shake him down at the behest of other unnamed conspirators.

“Daniels has threatened to go public with her complaints if the Congressman does not per her money. Green has done nothing wrong and refuses to pay ‘hush money’ just for political expediency. Green will not be extorted or blackmailed by Daniels. He will not be the victim of a shakedown by Daniels and her agents. Green demands vindication of his actions and now sues Daniels for declaratory judgment relief relating to her workplace allegations and her quest for money,” documents Green filed in federal court in 2008 say.

Daniels also unknowingly dialed the congressman while she was allegedly buying cocaine. Green submitted the voicemail, now sealed, as evidence in the case.  read more 

16 Comments on That time when Rep. Al Green (D-TX) was dating a(n alleged) coke wheure

  1. Looks like the Congressional Black Caucus is having a busy week with its members. You have Angela Rye playing the race card for Conyers ( and Rep. Meeks from New York talking about how he kisses every woman at campaign events and makes the women who don’t recieve one wish they had(
    Maybe they have been listening to the Ladies Man too much:

  2. We have the Representatives we elect and, therefore, deserve.
    We don’t always have the necessary information to make enlightened choices.

    Ir the fourth Estate were doing what it professes to do (inform the public in an honest and timely manner) we wouldn’t be saddled with thieves, liars, perverts, and morons in elected office.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. “We have the Representatives we elect and, therefore, deserve.”

    Don’t agree Tim. The Dumbocrats have this shit down. That’s why the constantly redistrict the slums in with the middle class.

  4. Bad_Brad,
    It’s kind of a shame that we don’t always perceive the lies and dissimulations. They do, indeed, use every deceitful tool in their enormous box (such as re-districting) to confound us, but aren’t we, ultimately, responsible for our fates? Both collectively and individually?

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. this guy is as fake as Sheila Jackson Lee. Unfortunately his 9th congressional district, on the south side of Houston, votes 3 to 1 for democrats so he’s going to be hard to get rid of unless there is a super scandal. Sleeping with a coke whore ain’t going to be enough.

  6. @Tim November 27, 2017 at 9:09 pm

    We have the Representatives we elect and, therefore, deserve.

    I took the slavery twelve steps so long ago, I stopped checking back. Did they finally add the mandatory “none of the above”? Or is it still Lord Hobson’s choice?

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