‘That Was a No-Brainer’: New GOP Congressmen Back Born Alive Act – IOTW Report

‘That Was a No-Brainer’: New GOP Congressmen Back Born Alive Act


On their first day in Congress, the two newest GOP representatives signed a petition to force a vote on a “no-brainer” piece of legislation designed to protect infants who survive abortion.

Democratic lawmakers voted down the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act in February, blocking legislation that would mandate medical care for infants who survive abortions. House Republicans are now driving a discharge petition to force House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.) to bring the bill to another floor vote. Rep. Mike Garcia (R., Calif.), who won a May 12 special election to replace disgraced ex-Democratic representative Katie Hill, told the Washington Free Beacon that even having to sign the discharge petition is “frankly offensive” given the content of the bill.

“That was a no-brainer for me. I am pro-life through all stages, so the fact that we even have to sign this initiative is frankly offensive to me,” he said. “For a baby to survive out of the womb, alive, and be subsequently murdered, is a complete travesty.”

“I know there’s a lot of signatures on this, and obviously I would support any initiative to bring this in front of Congress immediately,” he added. read more

7 Comments on ‘That Was a No-Brainer’: New GOP Congressmen Back Born Alive Act

  1. Force it out in the public view, let everyone proudly show exactly who they are and what they stand for.

    Everything should be revealed, nothing left to secrecy and hidden from sight in the shadows.

  2. NYS Governor Cuomo is clearly a star democrat, he proved it when he allowed Cov-19 to kill/murder so many senors in nursing homes. Little doubt he’s a infanticide supporter also. They’re all out of the same rat hole genetically – hell.

  3. It *is* shameful that the U.S. Congress should have to make a bill that makes the barbaric murdering of a human being — and the most defenseless among us, babies — a crime. There are some pretty harsh laws (varies by state) against killing dogs, which include fines and jail time. How do the Democrats square that?

  4. Of course it wouldn’t pass in the current House of Representatives and nothing the Republicans do will cause Evil Nancy to have a floor vote on it. Especially in an election year.

    Had it been passed when the Republicans held both chambers from 2011-2016 Obama would have vetoed it. Of course the RINO’s couldn’t allow that so it didn’t happen.

  5. When anyone tells you they are pro-abortion, this is the extent of their barbarity. Democrats refuse to bring a vote because they are that evil. They are ghoulish, selfish, murderers.


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