‘That’s not the black class’: Atlanta mom fights Jim Crow 2.0 at daughter’s school – IOTW Report

‘That’s not the black class’: Atlanta mom fights Jim Crow 2.0 at daughter’s school

Just The News: When a principal at an Atlanta public elementary school segregated students in classes based on their race, some parents supported it, says Kila Posey, mother of a student at the school.

Sharyn Briscoe, the principal of Mary Lin Elementary, who is black, segregated second-grade classes based on race in the 2020-2021 academic year, limiting black students to two classrooms to choose from while white students could choose between six different classrooms.

Posey, whose husband Jason works at the school as a psychologist, tried to place their daughter with a preferred second-grade teacher. Briscoe said, “That’s not the black class,” Posey recalled. more here

9 Comments on ‘That’s not the black class’: Atlanta mom fights Jim Crow 2.0 at daughter’s school

  1. I’m old enough to remember when Atlanta was “The City Too Busy To Hate”. That was some virtue-signaling Chamber of Commerce pap created by white businessmen, but they meant well, I suppose. Now, Atlanta is “The City Too Busy Hating”.

  2. Ugh. The new Superintendent in our town says his priority is “equity”.
    So I wouldn’t be surprised if GA Native is right.

    Thank God my kids are long gone from school. Homeschooling is the answer. There are many, many good resources online. Even online private schools that are very inexpensive.

  3. If Whites were to agree to this plan and segregate the classes like was done at this school, the cries of “racism” by the good Rectums Jackson and Sharpton would be loud, frequent and strong (not to mention that they would raise millions from the guilt ridden Whites who want to atone for history’s sins).
    I guess it’s not segregation when the targets “accept and demand” separate but equal.
    The inmates are running the asylum without a doubt.

  4. Public “education” – a waste of your children’s time, a waste of taxpayer money, and an evil that must be destroyed.
    Lenin, Dewey, Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Mussolini – they ALL understood the benefits of early childhood indoctrination.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Ten years ago I would NEVER have made this comment, but after eight years of Obumphuk, four years of leftist opposition to Trump and now seven months into Biteme’s (p)Residency, I frankly would support that principal’s segregation policy. The left is destroying this country.

  6. “What about the drinking fountains?”

    Don’t have to worry about those. They’ve all been shut off since March 2020. They’re going the way of pay phones.

    And theater balconies are no longer a problem either.

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