“That’s why they call him songbird” – IOTW Report

“That’s why they call him songbird”


A Retired Air Force General became embroiled in controversy after discussing torture and the reason why they call John McCain ‘Songbird’.


38 Comments on “That’s why they call him songbird”

  1. From my link above…

    “The pressure from the families and Vietnam veterans finally forced the creation, in late 1991, of a Senate Select Committee on POW/MIA Affairs. The chairman was John Kerry…”

    You see, Charlie? Already, we’re off to a bad start here.

  2. I’m sure the poker players in Hell will welcome the Songbird joining Teddy Kennedy, Jimmy Hoffa, FDR, and Arlen Specter.

    From the Hanoi Hilton to Motel 666. Buh-bye.

  3. I’ve always been a fan of the general, he’s a solid guy I’ve listened to for years now. Tells it like it is and politically incorrect as hell, my kind of general. I think he lost his brother in Vietnam so I can understand if he’s not too keen on McStain.

  4. More…

    “It’s not clear whether the taped confession McCain gave to his captors to avoid further torture has played a role in his postwar behavior in the Senate. That confession was played endlessly over the prison loudspeaker system at Hoa Lo—to try to break down other prisoners—and was broadcast over Hanoi’s state radio…”

    Sounds like a “Songbird” to me, Charlie. What Barky might call the second most beautiful sound in the world.

  5. Bring McStain’s stinking carcass out to the local public landfill with the rest of society’s refuse and let the rats and gulls have at him.

  6. Handing over the phony Russian Dossier to James Comey so that the FBI could “properly evaluate it” was the most dishonest thing that McCain ever did in his civilian life. What a Bitter Clinger.

  7. John Mcain: I didn’t think heaven would be so dark.
    John Mcain: NOOOOO!

  8. when you say to or about someone– i wish you-he would go to hell— you do not understand just what the entails– total damnation and rejection from God— let God be the judge and jury with these people.. look in the mirror and do not set yourself up as God, He wont share His glory with anyone……:) have a nice day..

  9. Well, the Communist have already begun the reconstruction of General McInerney’s bio…By June he will be KNOWN as the worst General since the racist George Washington. He is already undergoing the redefining of his career and McCain is being polished as an hero so great that his image should be used to replace all of the Confederate statues being torn down.Already, our school and college systems have begun the process of reconstruction…the other General, I forget his name, will not be seen on TV again after this week except to be ridiculed..

  10. The Truth will win out.
    John McCain is more John Kasich than Sgt York.

    He and every other career Senator need to be screened for ex officio unearned WEALTH.

  11. McKeeting is a despicable little rodent who is undeserving of any respect whatsoever. I truly believe that his “war record” was a fabrication to launch his political career.

  12. Guess the fine General isn’t on McCain’s funeral invitation list. Odd thing, where I come from we didn’t send invitations to funerals like some 5 yo. bday party. That’s just tacky.

    I think the bigger tell on McCain’s treasonous activities in Nam, was not what he did or didn’t do at Hanoi Hilton, but his refusal to fight to bring home MIAs afterwards.

  13. McVain was a spoiled rich kid from day one. Go to duckduckgo.com and search for “McCain Forrestal Wet Start” to see what a reckless shitbag McLame has been his entire life. And, most of the time, everyone else has to pay the price for it.

  14. johnny,johnny tell us about your nerve agents in your whore wifes NO2 cannisters. teeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeth. mental dental. buhbye,roast in hell. die already

  15. Thirdtwin- You know, I’m wondering how many more wars mccain would have gotten us into as president. He is a fucking psycho. Every time he hears a fart in the distance, he wants to bomb that distance. Creep.

  16. Oh and I believe Charles heard every bit of it. But since he almost lost his show because of that extra-marital activity with a co-worker, he’s gotta be a wimp to keep his job.

  17. PMSNBC and CNN were going nuts last night with McInerny’s and some low-level WH employee’s twitter comments about McStain. Lots of hand-wringing and blaming Trump for creating a “climate of hate” interspersed with heroic stills of Songbird John as a POW, etc. If McCain was a Trump supporter these media slugs would be tar and feathering him in his sickbed.

  18. Charles Payne may apologize for his guest (A.F.General Thomas McInerney)making derogatory remarks about Sen John McCain.
    But Charles should be challenged to prove his other claim that the remarks were “very false”. Evidence points to the remarks being very true.

  19. I have talked to Vietnam vets via the American Legion and my oldest brother who was a KC-135 pilot refueler in Vietnam. They say the same thing, no hero. That said I can’t say THAT because I was NOT there.

    They can. It’s like being a member of a private society in some way. Like the Tail Boat Gunners that OUTED Lurch or more like POTATO face.
    It was believable because THEY were there in that absolute HELL hole.

    I would like to post a few vids in honor of my brother! AND all those other pilots, crew members and other support…

    1960’s F-4



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