The 10 Most Nauseating Lines From Wired’s Pete Buttigieg Profile – IOTW Report

The 10 Most Nauseating Lines From Wired’s Pete Buttigieg Profile

I read some of the unintentionally hilarious article and then I heard the rest on someone’s podcast.
That chick was laying the BS down super thick.

What rumpswabbery!


What happenedWired magazine published a profile of Pete Buttigieg, the transportation secretary best known for finishing fifth in the 2020 Democratic primary.

Why it matters: Journalists have likened themselves to firefighters running into a burning building to save democracy. They pride themselves on speaking truth to power, on afflicting the comfortable and comforting the afflicted.

The Wired profile is none of those things. It is a parody-defying example of a liberal journalist groveling before a mediocre Democratic politician like a tween girl at a BTS concert or Joe “I’m Gonna Smell Your Hair Now” Biden in a room full of tween girls.

What they’re saying: “Democrat press secretary is the easiest job in town,” said former GOP aide John Ashbrook.

Trigger warning: Here are the 10 most nausea-inducing lines from that Wired profile of Pete Buttigieg. We read the whole thing so you don’t have to. MORE

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