The 13 revelations showing the FBI never really had a Russia collusion case to begin with – IOTW Report

The 13 revelations showing the FBI never really had a Russia collusion case to begin with

Just The News: Recently declassified evidence directly undercuts the main arguments the FBI used to justify investigating President Trump and his campaign.

They’ve come slowly, drip by drip: the reluctant revelations of an FBI bureaucracy. But taken together, the body of evidence now amassed over two years of investigating the investigators explains why Attorney General William Barr last week declared there was never really a basis to probe Donald Trump’s campaign for alleged collusion with Russia.

“I think the president has every right to be frustrated, because I think what happened to him was one of the greatest travesties in American history,” Barr told Fox News’ Laura Ingraham. more here

10 Comments on The 13 revelations showing the FBI never really had a Russia collusion case to begin with

  1. The first step is to fire everybody on the management floor without exception.
    Start interviewing the rest for promotions. The current director, Chris Wray, did not take step one, fire him too.

  2. Heres the only revelation I needed. Russia’s most importan industry is oil exporting

    Ergo the idea that Putin would help Trump get elected is laughable. Took me five seconds to figure that out

  3. I’m really encouraged (hope springs eternal) by what I’m reading about Durham’s investigation and Barr’s comments about the overall situation at the FBI. I’m glad to see a larger bite at this. In the past, as the linked story points out, it’s been drip, drip, drip. It’s this seepage, so to speak, that makes it so easy for the bad actors to use the law to their advantage because it’s only applied to a tiny slice of the whole and they get off on technical legal “wins.” They been eating the elephant one bite at a time. With the larger scope of Durham’s prosecution of these acts, it seems like it will be far easier and much more compelling to show the overall pattern of corruption. Too many coincidences to isolate them and dismiss them.

  4. @ Deplorable 2nd class
    and the cia, nsa, nea, npr, pph, voa, fda, un… (er sorry only two letters there!) all foreign nations! I am sure there are hundreds more.

  5. The number of times the AG has protected the President from the idiots in the house: Zero
    Legal action against the idiots in the House: Zero
    Do you see a pattern forming?


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