The 15 Democrats Who Voted Against Pelosi As House Speaker – IOTW Report

The 15 Democrats Who Voted Against Pelosi As House Speaker

DC: Fifteen Democrats voted against Nancy Pelosi for speaker of the House Thursday afternoon, despite her call for a united vote throughout her party.

  • New York Rep. Anthony Brindisi voted for former Vice President Joe Biden.
  • Tennessee Rep. Jim Cooper  voted “present.”
  • Colorado Rep. Jason Crow voted for Illinois Democratic Sen. Tammy Duckworth.
  • South Carolina Rep. Joe Cunningham voted for Illinois Democratic Rep. Cheri Bustos.
  • Maine Rep. Jared Golde voted for Illinois Democratic Rep. Cheri Bustos.
  • Ron Kind voted for Georgia Democratic Rep. John Lewis.
  • Georgia Democratic Rep. Conor Lamb voted for Massachusetts Democratic Rep. Joe Kennedy.
  • Utah Democratic Rep. Ben McAdams voted for Democratic Florida Rep. Stephanie Murphy.
  • New York Democratic Rep. Kathleen Rice voted for Democratic Georgia gubernatorial nominee Stacey Abrams.
  • New York Democratic Rep. Max Rose voted for Illinois Democratic Sen. Tammy Duckworth.
  • Oregon Democratic Rep. Kurt Schrader voted for Ohio Democratic Rep. Marcia Fudge.
  • New Jersey Democratic Rep. Mikie Sherrill voted for Illinois Democratic Rep. Cheri Bustos.
  • Virginia Democratic Rep. Abigail Spanberger voted for Illinois Democratic Rep. Cheri Bustos.
  • Michigan Democratic Rep. Elissa Slotkin voted “present.”
  • New Jersey Democratic Rep. Jeff Van Drew voted “present.”


8 Comments on The 15 Democrats Who Voted Against Pelosi As House Speaker

  1. Interesting; some voted for non-representatives. I was not aware they could vote for any Tom, DICK, or Harry.

    Why not choose a true representative of the democrat party? Maybe Bozo the Clown; Barnum or Bailey; the devil, oh wait, she did win.

  2. We have Drain The Swamp, we have Lock Her Up, we have Build The Wall. Build the Wall! Nancy Pelosi has been trying to come up with a line that’s equal. And her line that she announced last week is, Mow The Grass! It doesn’t work. Mow the frickin grass. Thats going to stop MS-13. Mow that frickin grass! Man, she’s crazy, but she’s a fine woman. She is. I actually like Nancy Pelosi. Can you believe that? Her and Maxine Waters. How about that one? Maxine Waters, He must be impeached! That’s all she knows how to say, He must be impeached! Impeached! But he’s done nothing wrong. Doesn’t matter, they say. What has he done wrong? I don’t know! You got to be impeached! And then I say, I get in trouble for this, She has to immediately take an IQ test.


    Like Twitter, these people will have to publicly bash Trump and/or prop up Pelosi to get some points back to reduce the sneers, smokey eyed stares, not holding elevator doors for mutinous members, ignoring, silent passive-aggressiveness, no committee appointments, or money re-directed to their states, and other buy-offs in the tool box.

    Watch and see!

  4. So Alexandria Ocasio- Cortez and her young millennial progressive cohorts opted not to vote against skeletor this round. Someone must have gotten to them and set their minds straight or at least let them know they would have the shortest political careers, banished from ever being on any committee, if they dared to make waves.


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