The 15 minutes of fame are about up for Daniels and Hogg – IOTW Report

The 15 minutes of fame are about up for Daniels and Hogg

American Thinker: The phrase “everyone will be world-famous for 15 minutes” is credited to either Andy Warhohl or his photographer, Nat Finkelstein (1966 or 1968).  Whoever said it first, it has indeed turned out to be true when it comes to persons who are suddenly slingshot into a media firestorm for one reason or another.  Soon enough, our twenty-four-hour news cycle moves on to the next cultural or political phenomenon, whether it is legitimate or entirely fake.

We forget these people the minute they disappear from our television or internet screens.  We will quickly forget Stormy Daniels and David Hogg, too, and the sooner, the better.  Let the next firestorm begin!  This one began to stink a few weeks ago.

The left in America increasingly swaddles itself in bubble wrap.  They, these progressives, do not intend to let the values of mainstream Americans interfere with their agenda to transform our nation.  When an event like the school shooting in Parkland occurs, they are quick to leap into action.  They know within minutes whom to blame, whom to catapult into the media spotlight, where to get the money to fund whatever campaign they spring into action to mount.  Like the devout students of Saul Alinsky they are, they know how to capitalize on a crime and misery.   more here

18 Comments on The 15 minutes of fame are about up for Daniels and Hogg

  1. This morning, Rush (with tongue-in-cheek) was hoping the left doesn’t have “Camera” Hogg running around the country with Hillary campaigning for Democrats.

  2. Heh. No.

    As long as Anderson Cooper lusts after little boys in underoos, the David Hoggs of the world will always have a face to sit on. I mean tv panel! Just a guest on a tv panel.

    Why do I say this? Because he is their Absolute Moral Authority ™ Spirit Animal.

    Fuck bloodstained Marco Rubio. Fuck the NRA with blood splattered on their old ace faces. Boycott Laura Ingraham.

    Can I interest you in some black armbands? Perhaps a slim fit brownshirt?

    No, he is what they wanted Sandra Fluke to be. He is the next Cindy Sheehan for their favorite pet cause.

    They’ll coach him. Groom him if you will. Maybe even give his own show.

  3. It is astounding to me how the left simultaneously advocate taking away our guns, while at the same time declaring “nobody is trying to take away your guns”. And they get away with it!

  4. Tony R; “It is astounding to me how the left simultaneously advocate taking away our guns, while at the same time…” being protected by ARMED security. How stupid are these people?
    All this hypocrisy just makes my hackles stand up.

  5. I think enough people are realizing, consciously or subconsciously, that no one should take advice from or implement national policy based on the opinions of a 17 year old who may or may not have been there. I wouldn’t listen to 17 year old me, much less David Hogg.

    Stormy Daniels isn’t any better moral authority. Pay her enough money, and she would have taken her clothes off, had sex with a football team and let you film it for commercial use. Is a porn actress on higher moral ground than, say, a White House intern? Liberal Democrats say “yes,” normal people say “no.”

    These two individuals will disappear from fame because they are pawns who turned out to be not particularly useful. The liberals that promoted their stories have realized this, and their attitude is “thanks for coming, can you close the door on your way out?”

  6. Hogg: not even out of high school yet and already a world class idiot

    Daniels: been out of high school for years and still a world class idiot

    note to Hogg, keep and eye on daniels, cuz this is what you’ll be like when you’re her age.

  7. @Bad_Brad. You’re absolutely right! The event they want right now is another school shooting, even more horrific than the last. These evil piles of wasted protoplasm will stop at nothing to gain ultimate control.

  8. F4UCorsair

    It doesn’t need to be a school. I would recommend everyone wear their favorite hand cannon to Easter Sunday services. I think I’m getting spooky in my old age.

  9. Thanks for posting MJA.

    I remember, a long time ago it seems, that these people would put our people on defense on day #1, then exploit their agenda while getting their 15 minutes too.

    But, seemingly out of nowhere, some guy showed up that doesn’t do defense. And lib after MF’ing lib has gone down in flames since.

    It isn’t going to last, but for the time being I’m going to be doing my happy dance.

  10. “It is astounding to me how the left simultaneously advocate taking away our guns, while at the same time declaring “nobody is trying to take away your guns”.”

    TonyR, That is the textbook definition of gas lighting. Study it and become familiar with it. Recognize it for what it is when it is used and call it out for what it is.

    You need to be familiar with it to shut it down.

    Intellectually honest people will thank you for the lesson. Don’t expect that from the dumb asses on the left, but you’ll shut them down none the less.

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