The 1776 Report – IOTW Report

24 Comments on The 1776 Report

  1. The Founding Fathers did their job. And then some.

    They left us a maginificent republic. And the stupid, the evil, the lazy, THE UNWORTHY, amongst us FUCKED IT UP>

    Please don’t dare to diminish the brave and brilliant work they did. They are with God, and I would bet he told them job well done.

  2. I would comment, but I don’t need a visit from, ahh, anyone. I will say this, the biggest service DJT did to this country is strip the traitors naked. And a shit load of us will not forget. I’m not sure DJT is the guy to lead the resistance from here on, I think Flynn is. Just my thoughts.

  3. Allowing only property owners to vote was the right idea for the times. In modern times, a copy of your IRS return showing you paid taxes for the current year should be required voter ID.

  4. @Brad – ‘And a shit load of us will not forget. I’m not sure DJT is the guy to lead the resistance from here on, I think Flynn is. Just my thoughts.’

    I concur.

    And whatever happens in the next 12 hours as we go to bed, I’ll wake up free as a bird…STILL.

    KNOWING MEN like Flynn are working the back channels now.

    And now the rolls are reversed.

    I would like to see Trump, Flynn and others Run Silent Run Deep now.

    It would occupy ‘their’ minds for at least six months wondering where he is, what he is doing, what he will say?

    When that periscope will pop up from below?

    What can the sub fire away?

    How big are the munitions?

    When will the right moment be???

    It will come, just not sure when.


  5. @LocoBlancoSaltine – meant to say, it turns out at least 2/3 of colonialists did stay on their farms.

    And some had their land taken ‘for the cause’ btw.

    Others were downright British Loyalist Torys, which last to this day, believe it or not.

    The ones that did give up their quarters for GW were patriots and were immortalized in Old American history, now they are largely forgotten.



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