The 1776 Report – IOTW Report

The 1776 Report

Dianny saves the day!:

Every previous administration’s version of the White House website is archived when the new president comes in. The entirety of Trump’s White House website still exists under

The 1776 Report is still there. Government records-keeping laws mean none of this can be scrubbed. You can easily view the PDF at this link:

Yes, they are archived. But I will search through and download what interests me because…well, ya never know. 😏

9 Comments on The 1776 Report

  1. This just in: Justice Roberts rules that in the interest of removing hateful materials, which are not protected free speech, the Trump archives will be removed, as well as those of any Republican president or any slave owner (Democrats excepted, as they have recognized the error of their ways even beyond the grave).
    Justice Thomas’ dissent is stricken from the record, as he is clearly a hateful racist.

  2. I’m forwarding to my children and also my siblings so they can forward to theirs.
    I recall the patriotic passion that was so prevalent leading up to the 1976 bicentennial. I believe this commission was created to start that again for the 250th anniversary. With slow joe and the commie ho in charge I doubt it will happen.

  3. @Jethro and Kevin R – meant to add, I was a young teen for the Bicentennial.

    My dad took us to Operation Sail in the Hudson River and Upper NY Bay.

    And the first time they changed the quarter that year in the form of a trihat drummer.


  4. Communists erase Everything that disagrees with their lies.
    If you want to keep anything you had best have it filed where they can’t caue it to “accidently catch fire”.

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