The 3rd World Country That Eats Their Zoo Animals Wants to Invade Their Neighbor – IOTW Report

The 3rd World Country That Eats Their Zoo Animals Wants to Invade Their Neighbor

Venezuela Votes in a Referendum Asking Whether They Should Invade Neighbor Guyana and Occupy 74% Of Its Territory.


All over the world, old borders and treaties are back in play.

South America is tense as Venezuela flexes its political and military muscles to try and solve its territorial dispute most favorably, with the annexation of no less than 74% of neighboring Guyana’s territory.

Miami Herald reported:

“Venezuelans going to the polls Sunday will be asked to answer an unusually provocative question: Should their government be given a blank check to invade neighboring Guyana, and wrest away three-quarters of its oil-rich territory?”

Socialist dictator Nicolás Maduro is putting the question before voters, raising tensions in the region and threatening to escalate into a kinetic war. more

Zoo animals

13 Comments on The 3rd World Country That Eats Their Zoo Animals Wants to Invade Their Neighbor

  1. And being a “good” socialist country, Venezuela will ethnically cleanse Guyana. Any survivors will be brought here by the dems as “refugees”. All this after we send billions to Guyana for “defense” and billions to Venezuela in an attempt to bribe them to be nice.

  2. US to provide weapons, Venezuelan proletariat to provide blood for Moloch. Globalist cadre only winner. Provoke the goyim to slaughter one another, there are far more of them than are needed to serve us, and they waste resources that are ours by God’s decree.

  3. Perhaps Maduro and his government think of Guyanans as food.

    On the dinner menu at Guano’s, a top Caracas restaurant:


    Crispy Oven Baked Guyana Ears served with Salsa


    Grilled Tenderloin of Guyana in a Beaujolais wine sauce with capers and mushrooms.


    Guyana Lady Fingers served with Whipped Cream and Strawberries

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