The 4 Ways to Spend Money by Milton Friedman – IOTW Report

The 4 Ways to Spend Money by Milton Friedman

h/t Dan Bongino.

3 Comments on The 4 Ways to Spend Money by Milton Friedman

  1. What was unsaid, but maybe implied, is that when you spend your own money on someone else you are doing it for selfless reasons – charity, love and so forth. When you spend someone else’s money on someone else, there are selfish, self-serving reasons (i.e., you want to bribe the recipients to vote for you), with no regard or concern for value to anyone other than yourself.

  2. His 1980 10 part Free To Choose series is invaluable. Too bad they don’t use it in schools. I love how he was always so happy and cheery even debating spiteful angry dems.

  3. You can always tell a video that is older than 20 years; pre 2000 it was always ,”I talked to my doctor and HE said, I talked to my lawyer/accountant/pastor and HE said”, now it is always a woman, always, in every commercial from now on, no male doctors, lawyers or financial advisors, all women, this is the world we live in.

    The value of a dollar can only be determined and appreciated by the actual earner of that dollar, the person who placed appropriate value on his capital.


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