The 8 Most Insane Proposals in California’s 492-Page Reparations Report – IOTW Report

The 8 Most Insane Proposals in California’s 492-Page Reparations Report


Black Californians could enjoy child support forgiveness, free college, free health care, fewer police, and a long-term “truth and reconciliation commission” should Golden State lawmakers pass the proposals outlined this week by the state’s Reparations Task Force.

Following a 2020 law to study the subject, a panel of left-wing academics and policymakers on Wednesday released their findings on how California can remedy the harm against the state’s black residents caused by slavery and discrimination. All black Californians are eligible for the benefits of the program if they can prove they are “descendants of African Americans enslaved in the U.S. or of free Black people living in the country before the end of the 19th century.” A new state agency, called the California African American Freedmen Affairs Agency, would provide genealogical tests for residents.

The 492-page report lists the task force’s “preliminary findings and recommendations.” The final report is scheduled to be released in July of next year.

Here are eight of the most radical proposals:

28 Comments on The 8 Most Insane Proposals in California’s 492-Page Reparations Report

  1. The reparations committee is eight Blackademics and a token Japanese. I can’t imagine there’d be one sane thing to come out of that circle-jerk. “Compounded Racism”? WTF kind of demented maf is that? White people had better get the hell out of CA before they implement a Reparations Exit Tax.

  2. Everyone in California is trying to out-lunatic the next person, aren’t they? And likely because they think they’ll get something out of it by doing so: cash, power and influence, absolution for their own horrible past, etc. If this lunacy passes, then it becomes a race to the bottom and the only question is how long it takes for the whole fucking thing to completely fall apart.

  3. “fewer police”

    Because Law & Order is in direct oppression of Dey’s Culchah ??

    Any black ‘leader’ that accepts that crapola is a certain enemy of ‘their’ people. And a racist for accepting that blacks are by nature, criminals.

  4. “Black Californians could enjoy …fewer police…”

    …they’ve already done the “fewer police” thing, in SF, Minneapolis, Seattle, Portland, etc..

    It didn’t look like the everyday working Black people were “enjoying” that at ALL.

  5. Oh boy.
    If they pass even half of this stuff there will be an exodus out of CA again. Watch out TX and FL and the other states they move to and wreck by voting for the same idiocy.

  6. “Black Californians could enjoy…free health care…”

    …first, I thought CA already did this.

    Second, I recall P.J. O’Rourke quoting a Cuban national on health care.

    “The health care is free…and worth it. I can go to the doctor, but he can do nothing for me.”
    -P.J. O’Rourke, “Holidays In Hell”


  7. “A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world’s greatest civilizations has been 200 years. These nations have progressed through this sequence: From bondage to spiritual faith; From spiritual faith to great courage; From courage to liberty; From liberty to abundance; From abundance to selfishness; From selfishness to apathy; From apathy to dependence; From dependence back into bondage.”
    -Alexander Fraser Tytler

    …he didn’t predict our obsession with antebellum Southern chattel slavery, but other than that, pretty spot-on…

  8. After these brainiacs come up with Whole-paycheck Foods and no one in the hood can either afford or wants to eat from the store, price and inventory controls will take place, and requirements to remain open for business. It will be suicide for any business owner to continue to operate in so called black neighborhoods.

    In addition to the other 7 asinine points mentioned at the link.

    I suppose these generational slaves are going to receive reparations regardless if they were owned/sold by a white OR black OR native American slave keeper, yes? Didn’t see any mention of that. Suddenly their whole race-based plan would be color blind.

    Well who cares, I say go for it California. I support it. California deserves it. I especially support handing out undeserved educational accomplishments and inflated pay for not working. Skin color is the only thing that matters, that’s not racist at all. It will make California infinitely better instantaneously.

  9. …White debt for slavery has already been paid.

    You’ll find the receipts in the Civil War section of most any Eastern cemetary.

    MY folks were still in Ireland getting starved by the English, in Scotland getting chased around by the English, and in Germany being abused by the Kaiser, so that mess has nothing to do with me.

    ALL of the slave masters were Democrats.

    Try THEM instead.

  10. The Great Experiment!!!
    I keep telling my friends to get out. Of course many of them support this – and many of those who don’t have left already.

  11. Soooo… re #8 – if you are an employer, and you have two equally qualified candidates for a minimum-wage job but one has a required higher minimum wage, I guess you go by skin color and hire the white or latino, I mean less expensive, candidate.
    A lot of thought went into that bill.

  12. There is absolutely NO evidence of the widespread mission to destroy the USA.

    Who would have guessed that a mixed-race (unloved/unclaimed by either parent) bastard, misfit, loser of a sodomizer/choomer could do so much damage to Civilization ?!?!?

    Way to go Barki! Since no one will stand to stop you, You go girl!

  13. Wildman
    JUNE 3, 2022 AT 11:53 AM
    “Just a payoff so they dont riot and burn the cities”

    …and a payoff so they DO riot and burn the cities when their masters decide it’s politically convenient for them to do so…

  14. Buying votes from corrupt black people. California was never a slave state. No one alive ever legally owned slaves. No one alive was ever a legally owned slave. Reparations are ripping off the taxpayer to payoff corrupt black assholes to be the primary perpetrators of election fraud in favor of democrats, period.

  15. It will never be enough for these charlatans. Even after they have completed checking off their idiotic itemized list, there will be more demands.

  16. White liberal guilt is killing the USA.

    To extend their effed-up thinking, should modern Italians be on the hook for the ancient Roman practice of enslaving thousands of the people living in the Mediterranean area, including North Africans, Gauls, Arabs, Greeks, Turks, Jews, and God knows what else.

    Black Americans would have moved beyond this if it wasn’t for liberals screaming about reparations for the last few decades.

    Reparations for Japanese-Americans who lost property during WWII is at least a reasonable proposition. What did southern slaves own that could be a basis for reparations? Some chickens, maybe a mule or two?

    They did not get wages, they had no property. Through the efforts and blood shed by mostly white northerners, they got their freedom. The bill was paid in 1865.

    Liberals: Leave it alone, you stupid sons-a-bitches!

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