“The Adam And Eve Story” – IOTW Report

“The Adam And Eve Story”

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17 Comments on “The Adam And Eve Story”

  1. It’s not that it’s the worry of the “end of the world”.

    It’s that they are worrying about the end of THEIR world.

    This guy is spewing the narrative that creates the necessary distraction. It’s fear porn.

  2. TRF
    AT 1:00 PM
    “Adam’s first words to Eve:
    “Stand back. I don’t know how big this is gonna get!””

    …and do you know EVE’S reply?

    Pay attention, it may be on the test…

    …one day, 3 nuns arrived before St. Peter at the Pearly Gates. Peter told the nuns that they all had a chance to get in because they spent their lives in the order, but each would have to answer a question before he’d let them past the Gate.

    Peter beckoned the first nun forward, and said, “Because you lived well and virtuously, you get the easiest question. Who was the first man and woman?”

    The nun said without hesitation, “Adam and Eve”

    Whereupon the bells rang, the angels sang, the gates opened, and the first nun went into Heaven.

    Peter then called the second nun forward.

    “Because you have sometimes had thoughts about carnal things but never acted on them, your question will be a bit more difficult. Of what was Eve formed?”

    The second nun thought breifly, then answered, “From the rib of Adam”.

    Whereupon the bells rang, the angels sang, the gates opened, and the second nun went into Heaven.

    …Peter then turned to the third nun.

    “Because it says here in my book that you had fallen into carnal relations with a man after taking your vows, your question will be the most difficult of all. What was the first thing Eve said when she came unto Adam the first time?”

    The nun furrowed her brow and squinched up her face, and said, “oh, ah, thats a hard one!”

    …Whereupon the bells rang, the angels sang, the gates opened, and the third nun went into Heaven…

  3. Good laughs to all but the scary part to all this is that unlike most humans Satan knows the end is coming and is trying to prevent and prepare for it by taking as many of us along with him as he can.

    Jesus prepared a way for us to not worry about how the end will come. Are you ready?

    This is the way to become obsolete to the world….

  4. Global warming, global cooling, Adam and Eve. Some of it, all of it, or none of it may be true. The “science” doesn’t have a clue. It’s my word against yours.

  5. Don’t know whether this guy is a scientist with a weird type of a degree or not, but I could distinctly feel my sphincter gradually tightening into a pinpoint, along with a strong urge for me to remain seated, while nervously listening to this guy for some 28-plus minutes!

  6. For craps sake. It’s a STORY invented by some dude decades ago.

    Besides, the real story is that we were genetically created in a petri dish by sexy aliens.

    For like….tax purposes…

  7. I got 30 seconds into that…..whatever it is…..thought, “WTF does CIA, end of the world, and Adam and Eve have in common”, and “NOPED!” myself right out of there.

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