The Airing of Grievances, 2023 – IOTW Report

The Airing of Grievances, 2023

Senator Rand Paul (R-KY): I’M BACK for more airing of grievances, exposing waste, and generally pissing people off online.

I would like to personally thank

@elonmusk for buying this platform and allowing us all to say Happy #Festivus again. I mean, we could always say it. No one actually ever stopped us from saying it, but whatever.

I’m kidding. The war on Christmas was REAL. It was so real that Lindsey Graham tried to send it aid money.

You know the current war is not going well when Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham aren’t even sure they want to send it money. They saw Zelensky last week, patted their pockets, and said sorry all out.  It’s quite the #Festivus Miracle, really.

Speaking of Zelensky, last year I said he came to Congress dressed like he was delivering our Uber Eats order. This year I would say it was more like he was trying to sell me the next iPhone at a

@TMobile store.

Most of the candidates on the Republican side are against more aid, and I think that’s a great step forward for our party and country. I’m skeptical about Chris Christie’s plan to trade weapons for perogies, though.

Let me ask you a question, and you can reply with your answer: should the GOP change its nominating method to a TV reality show/game show combo? Think of it as the Battle of the Network Stars meets the Apprentice. I bet the ratings would be better than these unwatchable debates. MORE HERE

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