The Alec Baldwin Conundrum – IOTW Report

The Alec Baldwin Conundrum

Kurt Schlichter |Townhall: Alec Baldwin got to play his dream role last week, and unfortunately for an innocent woman, it was a method-acting version of Ted Kennedy. Now, you note that I am mocking a guy whose probable gross negligence killed a lady and maimed a man, and this raises an important question – do we really want to live in a world where our reaction to a tragedy caused by an enemy is not sorrow and compassion but mockery?

It doesn’t matter what we want. We do live in such a world, in large part due to the likes of Alec Baldwin. Besides his scuzzy abuse of the people – notably women – in his orbit, he is a particularly loathsome social media presence, and as a result, conservatives are gleefully resurrecting his old tweets about guns and his wish for them to be used on his many, many enemies in the wake of his horrible act. There are many, many such tweets. I am not a believer in karma and do not fear it, but I do try to keep a respectful distance from irony.

Note that arguments that this somehow hurts the families of the victims are weak – “My beloved relative has died – I shall seek solace on Twitter” seems far-fetched. Moreover, the families might be mortified to see people taking apart the architect of their pain? Doubtful. If anything, the practical effect of slamming Six Gun Alec is making people think, “Gosh, better not play with firearms lest people on Twitter roast me.”

But there is a legit question of how we should respond to this. There have been two different reactions among those on our general side of the fight to the reactions to Alec Baldwin’s fall from, well, not exactly grace. One is to recoil with horror at the accident and assert that this is a time when we should offer our thoughts and prayers for the victims and for Baldwin, who one would hope is devastated by what he has done. Nice people tend to have this reaction, those who want to live in a more genteel world than we do. I sympathize, in that I would like to live in such a world. I would also like a unicorn pony. more

35 Comments on The Alec Baldwin Conundrum

  1. Given that Baldwin’s camp is attempting to put all of the blame on a 24 year-old – whom he hired – I’d say he deserves every bad bit that he gets.
    Very least is a manslaughter conviction.

  2. He wasn’t being filmed. He was practicing with a cross draw holster and a hot gun. Had someone been there familiar with firearms the would have warned him off a cross draw as you sweep everyone in sight on the draw. People that don’t respect firearms shouldn’t be around them.
    Involuntary manslaughter. Guilty.

  3. He isn’t bothered by guns as long as the right people have them. People like him are clueless to gun safety. He’s rich and he doesn’t feel he has to listen to anybody, which is a bad combo.
    I learn years ago never to go hunting with anybody that was clueless.

  4. @Toenex
    I agree. A few years ago I took a coworker hunting at a game farm. He claimed he had taken the hunter safety course and signed the form stating such when he purchased the 3-day permit. While we were walking across a field his gun (which I loaned to him) fired. Luckily it was aiming away from everyone else. He swore he was confirming the safety was on by pulling the trigger. ????!!!!
    After everyone calmed down and I explained how stupid that was we continued the hunt without incident. I never offered to take him hunting again.

  5. The one thing about many Hollywood elites that pisses me off to no end is their blatant hypocrisy. Liam Neeson, Matt Damon, Jeremy Renner, Mark Wahlberg all feel we need stricter gun laws, yet they will not turn down a role where their character is shooting and killing someone.

    I really feel if they were to be honest, there is deep down admiration for firearms and a want to like them, but they are forced to act, think and speak a certain way or they will be blacklisted. They are nothing but puppets who are too afraid to be their true selves. Hollywood owned eunuchs.

  6. Not only should he have cleared the weapon when it was handed to him but, since it was a westrn with period type firearms it probably was a single action revolver. This would require him to cock the hammer in order to Fire the wepon If they were just setting up the sceen there shouldn’t have been any reason to do that.

  7. How is it “manslaughter” to point a gun at someone and pull the trigger (or fan the hammer)?
    It requires deliberation. It is a conscious act.
    It’s not the same as his car skidding out of control on a wet roadway.

    He took a pistol, aimed it, and then fanned the hammer (or pulled the trigger after cocking the hammer).

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. SAC Vet. I agree. Most people wouldn’t know how to uncock a single action revolver. It takes practice not to accidentally fire the gun. All firearms should be pointed in a safe direction anyway. Also, what the hell were these people doing? Did they shoot a scene for the movie, then stop for some target practice, then set the gun down where it could be confused with a prop gun? Baldwin should go to prison just for being so stupid.

  9. Face it libtards, your uber-liberal hero is a fu@king murderer. He cocked the gun and pulled the trigger, two deliberate acts which would land any one of us proles in prison for 10 years.

  10. I’m with DrRiff, this is negligent homicide.

    Baldwin is solely responsible for not making sure that a gun he aimed at another human being and pulled the trigger was empty. That’s his responsibility and the district attorney needs to charge him for the crime he committed.

  11. Which of the following is an acceptable reason to point a gun at someone and pull the trigger?

    1)Someone told you the gun wasn’t loaded.
    2)You checked the gun to see if it was loaded.
    3)You’re just joking.
    4)You’re name is Alec Baldwin and you’re special.

    I’ll take none of the above for a 1000 and I’ll bet you wish that you did too Alec.

  12. Baldwins thought process.
    Only stupid red necks own gun.
    Guns are dangerous because the people that own them are stupid.
    I, on the other hand, am a super intelligent human being and rules for gun safety do not apply to me.
    I think I’ll try that cross draw holster. Looks cool.

  13. Is it rather cold to be making jokes about this when someone is dead? Maybe, but we are not making jokes about that.

    We are making jokes about a liberal rectal cavity who thinks he is so much better than we are whose recklessness caused the death of another person, and we are being told that he is an innocent victim of someone else’s negligence.

    BALDWIN was the one who pulled the trigger. BALDWIN was the one who allowed such an unsafe environment to develop. Quit making excuses for him. As we all know, being a liberal means not having to be held responsible for anything. Remember, all the problems during the Obama administration were Bush’s fault until January 20, 1017, after which everything was Trump’s fault.

  14. Based on what I have read, there was more than one accident on the set with the firearms. And yet here we are. I have to ask, were they all poisonated? Because vaxxidents are a real thing.

  15. The only real reason to have a cross draw holster is the gun availability when you are in the saddle or sitting down. I have a cross draw for my 44 Mag. I only use that gun as a backup when I am in the woods hunting.

    That said, Baldwin should be charged and do time. The affected families need to go after him on a wrongful death suite and make him poor. My guess is he is moving the bulk of his wealth to the Caymans or sinking it into precious metals storing them in secure secret locations.

  16. Special people find special judges. Baldwin will find a way out, unlike young Rittenhouse who is being persecuted by our no conscience justice system bull dogs, for defending his life in the heat of a riot.

  17. Baldwin seems to be the textbook definition of a malignant narcissist;

    * Thinks he’s superior to others.
    * Wants and needs constant praise and validation.
    * Can’t deal with the slightest criticism without overreacting.
    * Antisocial – without empathy and disregard the feelings or needs of others.
    * Takes advantage of others to meet his needs.
    * Doesn’t believe his actions can result in reprehensible consequences.

    Every narcissist trait has been revealed in his response to shooting someone accidentally or not. He doesn’t take full responsibility for his actions.

    Somehow, Baldwin believes he’s the “real” victim. It’s the ditsy armorer’s fault, the clueless director’s fault. Never his reckless handling of a gun HE had complete possession of on the movie set. Baldwin chose to point that gun at the cinematographer he killed – No one else.

    Sympathy should not be given for him. Hope the family of the real victim, now deceased sues Baldwin for everything he’s got. Too bad the jerk has kids who will be affect by his poor decisions. Their wealthy mother, Baldwin’s wife can take care of them financially. The kids wont be homeless.

    Sadly, it is unlikely he’ll face manslaughter or negligent homicide charges. The New Mexico District Attorney seems like Demwit tool choming at the bit to make this an accidental death.
    BTW, Hollywood will never police itself adequately. No matter how many preventable tragedies like this occur.

  18. Tsquared

    I own a couple cross draws. For a 1911, SAA (same gun dip shit was using), and a Super Blackhawk. Love the hell out of them. Can’t beat them out camping or hunting. But I’m not stupid and know exactly when my trigger finger should be on the trigger. Just wanted to make sure every one knew I wasn’t down on Cross Draws. I’m down on stupid people. And some poor woman lost her life over his ego and foolishness.


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