The Amazingly Horrible Test Scores of Students in Puerto Rico – IOTW Report

The Amazingly Horrible Test Scores of Students in Puerto Rico


Paul Krugman argued yesterday that Puerto Rico is kind of like West Virginia, Mississippi, and Alabama:

Put it this way: if a region of the United States turns out to be a relatively bad location for production, we don’t expect the population to maintain itself by competing via ultra-low wages; we expect working-age residents to leave for more favorable places. That’s what you see in poor mainland states like West Virginia, which actually looks a fair bit like Puerto Rico in terms of low labor force participation, albeit not quite so much so. (Mississippi and Alabama also have low participation.) … There is much discussion of what’s wrong with Puerto Rico, but maybe we should, at least some of the time, just think of Puerto Rico as an ordinary region of the U.S. …

Okay, but there’s a huge difference in test scores.

The federal government has been administering a special Puerto Rico-customized version of its National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) exam in Spanish to Puerto Rican public school students, and the results have been jaw-droppingly bad.



14 Comments on The Amazingly Horrible Test Scores of Students in Puerto Rico

  1. As a gesture of us now being a 3rd world cesspit, and no longer the “bully on the block” we should, most assuredly, return Puerto Rico to Spain – AFTER ~120 YEARS OF OCCUPATION!

    For that matter, give it to Cuba!

    Vietvet – it’s never too late.

    Obola just wants to keep America’s boot on the throat of America’s “little brown brother!”

    I’m so ashamed …

  2. What’s wrong with PR? They speak Spanish.
    It is a languages of failure. In Spanish,
    you are good blood or scum, you are either a master or a servant. In English, the servant will cut your throat if you oppress him and become a free citizen.
    Screw Spanish. God Bless America!

  3. There’s really nothing wrong with Puerto Rico.

    Except for the worthless Puerto Ricans.

    “… relatively bad location for production …”

    Hey, Krugman, you fucking hump, ever heard of England? Japan? Mongolia? Uzbekistan? I don’t know where you studied pseudo-economics, but all four of those places were world powers!
    And all four of em suck locationally, and in terms of natural resources!

    Splain that, you fucking lying weasel.

  4. Just do what the teachers do in every ghetto in America!


    Scores don’t mean nuthin, anyhowz.
    What kind of GPA’s required to fuck and buy whiskey and dope with an EBT card? Or talk shit on your ObolaPhone?

  5. Who knew there were Puerto Ricans there any longer I thought they all lived here in the middle to northeast? Dang … How odd, they don’t go to work here either? Well some moms do, while dad gets stoned and abuses the kids…. Okay, if you count stealing they all work.

    Too broad a brush for you? Come visit my area.

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