The American Dunkirk – IOTW Report

The American Dunkirk

The American Dunkirk- Patrick K O’Donnell Tells Unknown Revolutionary War Battle In New York.

12 Comments on The American Dunkirk

  1. There is no way on Heaven and Earth that we should’ve won the American Revolution without God’s providential intervention. I would say that this was indeed an American Dunkirk just like Dunkirk in France was for the British in World War 2. God works in the affairs of man in miraculous and divine ways that we can’t fathom or understand when we put our full trust in him. And the bad guys generally lose every time.

  2. Right you are, geoff.

    The great historian Thomas Fleming wrote a piece several years ago called Unlikely Victory, documenting 13 distinct events in the American Revolution where the outcomes, all in our favor, were not only inexplicable but defied all odds of success.

    Everything from capricious weather (the mysterious fog and heavy winds thwarting the Royal Navy) that saved Washington’s army at Long Island, an insubordinate Benedict Arnold who disobeyed orders and rallied his command to take a redoubt turning the outcome at Ticonderoga, a British Sergeant who had Washington dead in his crosshairs but did not take the shot, a fickle congress who came within a hair of firing Washington for inaction in favor of Horatio Gates, infighting and turf disputes among the British commanders (Clinton delaying sending the navy to fortify Cornwallis at Yorktown, causing the surrender), and many instances of inaction by Washington that turned out to be the smart move.

    The only reasonable and logical explanation for any of these, is Providence, God’s hand in directing events to form a new nation, one designed by moral Christian men who valued the sanctity of life, the freedom to determine one’s own fate, and the protection of God-given rights that no government can breach.

    Yes, we are a special nation, but for how long?

  3. I just finished Jeff Shaara’s 2 volume accounting of the American Revolution looked at through the eyes of some of the main participants on both sides. Wow what a rip roaring tale.

    The fact is after the signing of the Declaration, we got our asses handed to us for 6 months, with Washington barely escaping after each major loss. It was only the watchful eye of the Lord and there is no other explanation, that allowed the Continental Army those desperately needed respites.

    It’s absolutely sickening that over 100 institutions and schools have removed the name of George Washington, the highlighted participant in both of Jeff’s 2 volumes. He truly is the Father of our Country and if he’s not spinning in his grave, it’s only because the bearings are burned out.

  4. “There is no way on Heaven and Earth that we should’ve won the American Revolution without God’s providential intervention.”

    And the French – which was also God’s intervention.

    I’m not gonna try to guess what God’s thinking of us right now.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Hopefully and prayerfully, there is a large enough remnant of believers left who can stand in the gap that can make a difference in how we are treated by God as Americans. I don’t believe that God is done with us yet despite all the doom and gloom in our current mess. God is still in charge, he always has been and always will be in every situation and time period in our 247 years as a free nation. Let freedom truly ring once again, shouted from every mountaintop, let freedom ring. Where the spirit of the Lord is there is freedom, showers of mercy and grace. I still believe that.

  6. It’s not “unknown” there are plenty of good books on the subject.
    It is just under taught in our public indoctrination centers euphemistically called schools. Most of the graduates of such schools are too lazy to read such books as they have been lulled into stupor by said “schools” and feel it is unimportant or boring to learn such history.

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