The anger in Canada is real – IOTW Report

9 Comments on The anger in Canada is real

  1. 60% of Brampton Truckers are Sikh and e stabbed them in the Back!

    He aligned with Turdeau & is one of the most Hated

  2. Living here with Canada right across the straights from PA, I get lots of Canadian AM radio and if it’s any indication of the general state of affairs there, the place is fucked. I have yet to hear one host on any station challenge anything coming out of Ottawa and in fact, Trudeau gets noting but tongue baths.

    The legacy media there is even worse than ours so something like this squeezing through is even more remarkable.

  3. I am a western Canadian, we have NEVER supported the federal Liberal/NDP parties (except for Lotusland – lower main land British Columbia). Brampton had a large demographic of Sikhs (many were wearing turbans in the video). For them to have righteous anger is an interesting turn of events. I still do not trust the voters of Ontario.


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