The Annual White House Halloween House of Horrors – IOTW Report

The Annual White House Halloween House of Horrors

Brought to you by-  Diogenes’ Middle Finger.


The rest is here

Bring clean underwear.

If you don’t wear any, put some on, ya freak!

6 Comments on The Annual White House Halloween House of Horrors

  1. Thanks for reminding me to bring clean underwear, MJA. I recently bought all new undies – I think I’ve had the old ones since something like 1987 – which is amazingly about the time I think I last ate a vegetable. And if this doesn’t make any sense; I’ve just come back from a single malt Scotch tasting . . .

  2. What does it mean ‘ANNUAL’? It has be a horror show for almost 8 years, each worse than the previous, since the White House has been occupied by the one who promised to change America. Little did we know that was a THREAT!

    Transparency, huh! The only thing transparent has been, his encouragement to his departments to wreak as much havoc as possible, under presidential protection.

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