The Antifa/FBI Coalition – IOTW Report

The Antifa/FBI Coalition

American Thinker

Over two dozen people were killed during the Antifa and BLM protests in 2020.  It is routinely reported that “five people died as a result” of the Jan. 6 disturbance.  This is a totally accurate statement, however, it is still misleading.  Only one of the deceased died as a result of violence.  She was actually murdered by a government official. Relating these deaths allows the media to routinely describe Jan. 6 as a “deadly insurrection” as opposed to the “mostly peaceful” protests by Antifa and BLM.  Prior to Jan. 6, Trump supporters had held dozens of mass rallies without burning cities or murdering people.  This was a major embarrassment for the Deep State.  Media coverage of the Jan. 6 event has been largely successful in minimizing that embarrassment.  This was a major Deep State coup and the planning and execution of this “insurrection” reveal a disturbing relationship between the government and radical groups. The FBI did not only fail to adequately prevent the disturbance, they appear to have actively facilitated it. The FBI and radical leftists are branches of the Deep State.

FBI agents “taking a knee” in homage to BLM.

The FBI has a history of instigating terrorist plots that they thwart with great fanfare. This is not a conspiracy theory. 

The New York Times has reported there have been twenty terrorist plots against the U.S.  Three of those plots were real; the other 17 were created — and then stopped — by the FBI.   MORE

19 Comments on The Antifa/FBI Coalition

  1. That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

  2. The FBI retrogress into a 2nd rat protector of ‘Americans in the 90’,s. When GWB made Herr Mueller head – 9/4/01 – they turned it into America’s STASI(a 2nd rate Stasi but Stasi none the less!). It has for 20 years been a tool of plutocrats like GWB and his acolyte BHO, to keep the CHUMPS subservient.

    ANTIFI and BLM Are also tools for keeping CHUMPS under the plutocrats’s thumbs. So of course they work with the post MUELLER FBI.

    And the Press has been tool of the plutocrats for over 70 years. So they lie about attacks on CHUMPS! As they have for 70 years!

  3. We now have to view the FBI, the military, and all LE organizations through the same co-opted lens as that of the MSM, social media and academia, an extension of the Democratic party, a tool whereby progressives/leftists can strangle the opposition.

    There is an attitudinal disposition that conservatives have where they have this blind loyalty to institutions that have fundamentally changed. Conservatives are the law and order folks, they value order and symmetry, they routinely back the blue, they respect hierarchy. Now they are being persecuted by the very institutions they have supported in the past. For all those that have supported the guys with the guns, the cops and the military, those guns are now pointed at us.

  4. We’ve seen it all before – or – at least – read about it.
    GESTAPO, Cheka, NKVD, KGB, FBI, SAVAK, OVRA, DGI, SS-RSHA, SD, &c. – amoral psychopaths in Gov’t Service.
    I’m sure the CIA, DIA, and NSA are traitors, as well.

    Corruption oozes into every crevice.
    Corruption eventually blossoms into Treason – they only way they can protect themselves – they’ve already jettisoned their oaths of office to engage in corrupt activities. Probably starts as something simple – overlooking a laptop of the son of a Senator, for instance – or ignoring suspected treason by a Secretary of State’s secret server. Look the other way. It’s easier.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Rich Taylor: Due to FBI incompetence/laziness (Nassar) sexually abused 70 more women, all while the FBI sat on it’s hands.

    The FBI wasn’t sitting on their hands.
    No, it was at this time the FBI was investigating Team Trump and filing faked FISA reports


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