The April jobs report was so dismally off target that CNBC reporters thought it was a typo – IOTW Report

The April jobs report was so dismally off target that CNBC reporters thought it was a typo

Not The Bee-

The esteemed expert class of America recently predicted that the U.S. economy added a million new jobs in the month of April.

“We are looking for a pretty good figure, reflecting the ongoing reopening we have seen,” said James Knightley, chief international economist at ING in New York.

“We’ll get a good number, which is great. It’s just so nice to see numbers that are encouraging compared to the gut-wrenching numbers we had a year ago,” said Diane Swonk, chief economist at Grant Thornton.

Reuters did a survey of those expert economists and found an average prediction of 978,000 jobs gained. more here

12 Comments on The April jobs report was so dismally off target that CNBC reporters thought it was a typo

  1. With the “bonus” unemployment money paid out by our fabulous guv’mint program many people got a raise going on and staying on unemployment. Many others are making about the same dollars they were while working. Due to bad decisions I’ve made over my many years in the workforce many ex-“burger flippers” are making as much or more than I am. I’m over 70 and may consider finally moving up to a server job instead of a CNC machinist-programmer….

  2. Employers should take advantage of the pandemic mandated unemployment and use it to justify a shift to robotics and AI systems wherever possible to replace the human workers they had to lay off.

    Much lower costs, liabilities and potential disruptions for them in the future that way.

  3. All by design and even better than expected. Imagine how quickly everyone acclimated to staying home with bonus pay and now they are likely all the easier to propagandize with fear, big pharma ads and all the insanity on Netflix. Amazon Prime, etc. Joe should take a victory lap with Obama – this is now like being in Obama’s 4th or 5th term.

  4. I think this is part f their goal and it happened big time under the Magic Kenyan and it’s already starting to happen now. Venture Capital runs and hides. Why invest any money with these clowns changing the rules of the game every minute. Manufacturing already shrinking. he end result is China out paced us in new technology for almost 8 years under asshole numero uno. They’ll do it for another four years now.


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