Governor Ducey Is On The Arizona Recall List – IOTW Report

Governor Ducey Is On The Arizona Recall List

Vern Farnsworth Gives us a List to Recall

Starting with Governor Ducey and
Sec of State Hobbs.
More coming!

12 Comments on Governor Ducey Is On The Arizona Recall List

  1. “That which does not destroy me, strengthens me” – Neitzsche.

    Keep in mind that, by deduction, it also warns that weakens those who try to destroy when they fail.

    If you are in an inferior position be mindful of your attacks, you cannot afford to lose them.

  2. Now it’s Arizona’s turn to collect the recall sigs. The recalling is only good if you have dedicated people collecting the signatures. People were out collecting sigs for Newsome 2 days ago, we never gave up here in CA. If you Arizonians want it that bad you can do it! SCREW’EM ALL!! We did it to Gray Davis, we’ll do it to Newsome.

  3. So, you get a recall petition signed by the requisite numbers.
    Then what?
    Vote on it?

    Thas a joke, right?

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. MJA
    I worked for Arnie! For 1 year was very very happy. Then the Rove/Bush team told him he could be President!?@>#>$>&!###

    Before GB got to Arnie Arnie was the most conservative Gov ever. Then in 2 years the most liberal. Jekyll+Hyde in real life!

  5. MJA: Gray Davis told Newsom that he will survive the recall. Really Gray, tell Newsom how that worked out for you! Ended your career no3w didn’t it? That’s our plan for Newsom.

  6. @ol Jarhead: “Before GB got to Arnie Arnie was the most conservative Gov ever. Then in 2 years the most liberal. Jekyll+Hyde in real life!”

    That’s what happens when you are poking the hired help and get another kid out of it. Typical liberal behavior. Amazing how Arnie took a step down as to who he screwed.

  7. @ol Jarhead – My favorite CA Governor was, George Deukmejian.
    Wasn’t so familiar with Reagan’s time since I was single and not into politics at the time. Pete Wilson was a rhino as well as Ahnold. The rest were Dem disasters thanks to the Dem’s gerrymandering successes. I left the state 12 yrs ago as a 4th generation resident. Never returning.


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