The Avenatti Sideshow is back! “Secret Codes” Discovered in Kavanaugh’s Yearbook – IOTW Report

The Avenatti Sideshow is back! “Secret Codes” Discovered in Kavanaugh’s Yearbook

Avenatti Now Alleging Secret Code Exists in Kavanaugh Yearbook.

Conservative Tribune : From all indications, lawyer Michael Avenetti just seems like a deplorable person.

He loves the spotlight and publicity. He’s willing to do or say just about anything to get that attention.

Given that, I have to at least give Stormy Daniels’ lawyer credit for originality. His nonsensical ramblings are officially reaching Dan Brown level creativity.

Not entirely unlike “The Da Vinci Code,” Avenatti’s latest attempt to stick his nose into a prominent Trump-related issue involves a secret code in Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s childhood yearbook.

@Michael Avenatti

Brett Kavanaugh must also be asked about this entry in his yearbook: “FFFFFFFourth of July.” We believe that this stands for: Find them, French them, Feel them, Finger them, F*ck them, Forget them. As well as the term “Devil’s Triangle.” Perhaps Sen. Grassley can ask him. #Basta

21 Comments on The Avenatti Sideshow is back! “Secret Codes” Discovered in Kavanaugh’s Yearbook

  1. Half of the news stories I’m reading sound like they were written for the sole purpose of being able to say “his penis”, as if they were pushing the boundaries of societal norms and gleefully sticking a finger in the eyes of the prudes.

  2. What kind of sick, demented mind comes up with that list he tweeted? I’m serious, the guy is insane and a complete reprobate that shouldn’t be anywhere near minors alone. They never know when to stop.

  3. What kind of sick, demented mind comes up with that list he tweeted? I’m serious, the guy is insane and a complete reprobate that shouldn’t be anywhere near minors alone.

  4. I think he needs therapy- he is obviously obsessed. A change of friends and associates might help, but he does have work to do. One of the problems with ‘living in the gutter’ and degeneracy is that one is often not aware of its creeping consumption. If he had a friend who cared, they might try an intervention, but, owing to an observation that avenatti seems to enjoy his immersion, he will likely continue along his distorted path. And, in the circles that he travels, he probably doesn’t have many true friends that actually look out for his wellbeing. Rather, they, like him, revel in their degeneracy and the publicity it brings them. He is a sad man with some deep problems.


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