The ‘ballot-harvesting’ that enabled Democrats to walk off with California – IOTW Report

The ‘ballot-harvesting’ that enabled Democrats to walk off with California

American Thinker: The picture emerging from California’s election is grotesque. How again did Democrats engineer their strange midterm victory in Orange County and in other traditionally Republican areas? In that election, apparently winning Republican candidates were all unseated as the ballots just kept arriving, and arriving, and arriving, until the results flipped. Each and every time. And no such flips happened for Republicans, just Democrats, after they learned that Republicans were winning. And Democrats say it’s just ‘counting all the votes.’

Welcome to ballot-harvesting.

The Daily Caller has an ace report with a video showing just how that’s done.

Attorney Robert Barnes, on Twitter, noted just how problematic that new practice is:

Which is why it’s illegal almost everywhere in the world. California, on the other hand, back in 2016, passed AB1921, a law that actually permits it. Anyone can turn in ballots now, no questions asked, no chain of custody required. Back at the time, Democrats were hollering about low turnout and how getting more turnout was a priority, even though they were running a one-party state at that time, as they are now. They painted themselves as all concerned about ‘democracy’ given the low rates of turnout in their districts, many of which were known as ‘rotton boroughs‘ full of non-citizen voters. But what they really had in mind was ‘ballot harvesting.’ Most of the attention at the time from Republicans was focused on the involuntary registration of voters through the Department of Motor Vehicles, which has led to what was feared: the registration of illegal immigrants. But the bigger thing was going on on the outside, with the mail-in ballots nobody asked for and the apparent real purpose for these unasked for and unwanted ballot, which was … ballot-harvesting. more here

8 Comments on The ‘ballot-harvesting’ that enabled Democrats to walk off with California

  1. I’m gonna need more blank ballots next time, i can play that game also. printing u.s. gov. issued currencies is not a good life choice, and there are so many expensive inks and fabrics involved, but ballots. hm, now that could be interesting in these times of 3d printers and other new fun technologies like HiRes scanners. can you say, dark web california election ballot shop? just finalized ballot templates of course, and only for educational purposes. yumutahmean?

  2. State’s rights. CA can and did make this wicked law for exactly this purpose. I just hope there’s no leftist or GOP in office when they go bankrupt and demand a bailout.

  3. But the demoncrats do it for the children (aborton of American kids leave room for anchor babies and those drug across by MS-13).

    Just as we thought we’d seen it all.

  4. @Inigo Montoya: Let’s not get too high-tech with those ballots. The dems would accept a vote for a dem on soiled toilet paper.

    @Jerry Manderin: Yes. There’s two parties only on election day. The rest of the time it’s strictly the Uniparty.

    This ballot harvesting is why all those Republicans retired or decided not to run for re-election to “spend more time with the family”.

  5. Isn’t there any recourse to the feds when a state seems to be deliberately undermining the security of the election system?

    With California using a “jungle nomination” process along with allowing, even encouraging voting by illegals and this “harvesting” process it seems that the Democrats have set the stage for single party rule just like the communists did in the USSR, or China or any other dictatorships.

  6. I can’t believe there isn’t a valid reason for a lawsuit challenging AB1921. How the hell can ballots be turned in without proper chain of custody? The whole system reeks.

    It is time to do away with early voting entirely and use absentee ballots only for the military and people who can prove they have no way to make it to the polls. Anything else is just an invitation for Dem fraud.


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