The Banality Of Bill Barr – IOTW Report

The Banality Of Bill Barr

National Pulse:

In June, Attorney General Bill Barr sat for an interview in CNN’s Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer and predicted widespread fraud with mail in voting.

He said: “People trying to change the rules to this, to this methodology – which, as a matter of logic, is very open to fraud and coercion – is reckless and dangerous and people are playing with fire.” 

At the time, Barr was the nation’s top law enforcement officer with an obligation to prevent election fraud under a bevy of federal statutes

What He Could’ve Done.

Maybe an investigation of Silicon Valley billionaires ballot harvesting in black neighborhoods, for starters, and then a warrant for surveillance cameras at counting facilities in Philadelphia, Milwaukee, Atlanta and Detroit, with federal agents on hand to double check the chain of custody of boxes coming through the back door.

Instead, election integrity was preserved with federal investigations to prevent nonexistent seditious activity emanating from dubious white militias. The “reckless and dangerous” mail-in ballot operation the Attorney General warned about was ignored. 

Trump’s political rise is because our institutions no longer work for the common good and instead serve the idiosyncratic preferences of the sclerotic establishment. Picking a bombastic outsider is the only way that 75-million Americans know to tell them to cut it out.

Barr, A Typical Washingtonian Creature.

10 Comments on The Banality Of Bill Barr

  1. The sad fact is that Trump was unable to surround himself with good people because there are no good people working in Washington D.C. Barr is just one of many who lied, obstructed and eventually brought the country to the brink. Jan. 6th, with millions of Trump supporters in the streets of the Capitol, will be a historical day. One way or another.

  2. I said there was one Bush man that loved America. Boy was I wrong! Like guys named George Bill is UNIPARTY first and always!

    Don promoted 2 bad AG’s! Hindsight says the non Bush man was better.
    But the chargers have had a much better record than the Raiders the last 30 years. Chargers are still a bad team.

    Jeff was better than Bill; but still bad.

  3. I believe Trump is the only honest man left if our Govt. I hope he kept his own private security force as his first line of defense, I DO NOT TRUST THE SECRET SERVICE for his safety. I still think the SS had a hand in killing JFK!

  4. The Gunny is spot on right. Washington is now only looking out for Washington, America be dammed. Anyone finding a way to justify what Washington has evolved into is more than likely, financially connected in one way or another to it. American’s need to stop feeding the beast before it chokes us out.


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